As you can see in this screenshot I purchased this version of the German pea dot camo in the Battle of Normandy.
But as you can see in this screenshot this camo has been magically replaced with an entirely different version of the pea dot camo after the latest update.
This is the exact camo that I am talking about.
But it has been replaced with this.
I made a bug post regarding this issue in their support section as well.
Here is the link to my post: // Issues
I would additionally request one of the helpers
@Euthymia07 @Shiivex to take note of this issue and forward it to the developers. So as to make sure that it gets highlighted. This is just not done. I should be able to use the camo which I purchased in the first place.
can you show me the version box?
slighlty above the part you screenshotted
sometimes it doesn’t let you upload it because the version is incorrect ( missing or having an additional “.” )
or try to remove the pictures, post it, and edit it after
They are exactly the same uniforms 
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No, the base color for first uniform is pinkish-orange meanwhile the base color for second uniform is brown.
well, no.
one is a plane tree ( the more brownish / pink )

the other is an actual pea dot.

You guys call that “brownish pink”?
I don’t see any pink here…
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No, I was referring to camo which erika calls “actual pea dot” and I called the color pinkish-orange.

I am no color expert tho lmao
you don’t see it?
colorblind by any chance?
( granted, it’s tad darker, but you get the point )
Thanks. I will try once again and let you know.
German? I think we all know who that type of uniform belongs to…
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That is not the point of this post.
They are indeed not the same. They used to have both in Normandy, replaced all of my original dot camo to plane tree, i whined in the forums as did others. Now it seems they have given us back the pea dot but took out the plane tree leaving everyone who equipped them with mis matched camo top and bottoms, Causing you to buy the other pea dot camo pants. Genius.
Yeah, that sounds like DF lol…
It’s problematic, the peadot camo was replaced by this camo by accident first, so it was corrected
But now the problem is that if players intentionally bought the camo then it’s also replaced…
Yeah. I know it’s complicated. But it feels really bad to keep losing my things again and again.
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DF bug fix belike:
If they fix a bug, something else is broken and there might be more bugs
If they don’t fix anything, something else is broken but you have the same amount of bugs you have before
so… the support team is not able to refund or give the other item and replace the ones not wanted?
i mean, you sayed that they have history of purchase log. don’t they?