Suspending Early Access on Steam

Shoot I didn’t notice this gem till just now


I want to play Enlisted. If I wanted to play War Thunder, I’d play War Thunder. Why any of you think this concept of integrating and making Enlisted into War Thunder is good is beyond me


Sadly I was too late.


It was relaxed 8, maybe 10 years ago. Now the BR compression completely changed this game, even on middle tiers. I used to love it, I played with my Tiger II (H) or RAF airplanes for pure fun and to chill out after school, not even to grind new vehicles, it was that fun - I had to take a long break because of studying. A few months ago I went to play again with my King Tiger - and suddenly I was one-shot through the front glacis at 45 degrees from a side, by a vehicle from 60’s, which was unthinkable 10 years ago. It seems like everything plays with everything, WW2 planes fight F-84’s, Heavy tanks no longer play their role ase heavy tanks, - they could hane no armor whatsoever if they meet 400mm pen ammo, and the repair costs on some machines are straight up preventing from using these vehicles. Let’s pray Enlisted stays away from becoming such satisfaction-depraved chaos.


Dude, what are you talking about. I mean spawn point cost if it is not clear enough. Last fairfight event already has increasing spawn cost for vehicles, so it is possible to fully flesh out the mechanics like warthunder. Also, if there is no dynamic spawn cost, I don’t see how custom loadout will ever be implemented


Your words never fail to impress me. Since when learning and borrowing proven mechanics from other games is considered a sign of subversion and loss of identity. So, by this logic, warthunder has nuke and even has kill streak in arcade land battles, does it mean it becomes cod? Or do you consider plane cycling and greyzone camping fundamental parts of enlisted?

Besides, the spawn point mechanics is by no means prefect. Cas is also cancerous in warthunder, but at least it is a step forward than the complete absence of restriction in enlisted. Plus, enlisted and warthunder are two different games, the spawn point mechanic will perform differently in two games.


Honestly don’t even trip yourself over what TheUnclaimedOne is yapping about. He’s too delusional; he needs to be reminded every single game out there takes the best bits from other games. That’s what ultimately makes a good game, when every aspect of it is decent. This becomes the trend when game companies see a certain feature/aspect of a game that makes it successful. This is just common sense in the business and video game industry.

The problem is current active vet playerbase can’t agree with any positive changes as it will alter the meta they are so used to. Literally Enlisted was gonna be War Thunder but with Infantry, there’s no way Gaijin will make War Thunder an infantry game as well so we are all unfortunately stuck with this.

Oh how nice it would be if we got War Thunder with Infantry.


Custom loadout? Simple. You take 4 HVARS and a 250lb bomb (or just the 500 lb bomb without rockets), the plane is tier IV. You take 10 HVARs and a 500lb bomb, your plane is tier V.

Which makes it kinda pointless, since with a BR IV plane you’re going into BR V matches anyway.

Yes, and I want it to stay that way

Enlisted can borrow from other games all it wants. I don’t care about “Enlisted’s identity” or whatever the frick bullcrap you just tried to pull to sound smart. I don’t want War Thunder in my Enlisted. I cannot possibly make this any clearer. I DO NOT ENJOY playing War Thunder. It’s basically a second job. I LOVE PLAYING ENLISTED,* and I want to keep loving Enlisted. It is my absolute favorite FPS game hands down. I can’t enjoy Enlisted if I’m playing War Thunder disguised as an FPS game. Stop suggesting that this game become War Thunder


Right now, yes. When the playerbase grows enough to have the middle BR range added (tier II to IV), it will start making a difference.
Besides, I don’t see how a tier-V machine like Thunderbolt would be changed into tier III or less by changing just the loadout, like, what, you think that a Thunderbolt or a FW-190 D-12 could go to tier III if a player is willing to just fight with just bullets?

And another one to send to the ice box

Actually I believe that’s BR I

Please let me know if “Reinforcements” Deluxe Bundle will be taken down? I would like to wait for 50off

I agree 100%
And I still made that statement yesterday about finding it more relaxing
I find that pretty fucked up

If anything they should add takeoff to everywhere else, along with airfields. The fact that planes are more of a time investment in Pacific, makes them less painful for the people on the ground.


Congratulations on your attitude, keep it up! and good work to you, remember, always seek the best and put yourself in the player’s shoes, I found the company’s attitude to be humble, I hope it continues like this


A sorry works for me! Now if you were really sorry, you would bring that moon gamemode to Enlisted. I saw the videos and assumed it was a April fools joke? I played the mech one is was excellent. Hopefully the person in charge of this PR disaster gets knocked down a notch. This is like bragging about adding DEI into the game while replacing all male players with non gender people who identify as a pacifist.

Please also fix the Gewehr 41 (all versions).
When you have 10 rounds and shoot 2, the animation is he puts x2 5ammo strips inside. What should be done is add 2 rounds inside. And not put whole 10 rounds in again :unamused:


For the love and the future of this game. Please guys, hire a bigger team. I’m sure if you wanted to you could find some good reclutes among your fan base, whom could help you in cosmetic choices for vehicles and soldiers, map design, testing. Even coding, I’m sure. It’s obvious that they’re understaffed.

This game has great potential ever since the beginning. A type of gaming that many don’t find in other WW2 themed games, myself included.

So please, don’t let this bump on the road take the best of you all. You’ll get up on your feet back again.


Sorry, but the current system is horrible.

Every event I get the same stupid and unnecessary problem.
I never know when the timer is going to reset.
Yes, every two days, but is today the first or second day?
I have no clue.
Perhaps I can try to remember, but that should not be necessary.

Will it reset today or tomorrow?
Do I need to get the remaining points today?
Or did I score my points yesterday just after a reset and today it wont reset again?


Perhaps somebody has a good tip for me, because I really dont want to count the days back from 14 march until today 31 march, and then I will still get it wrong and maybe lose my points.
And then a few days later, I wont know again, and I need to count all over again??