Suspending Early Access on Steam

you are really hyping yourselves up

“we are not in the wrong everyone else is”
“haha we are having fun”


Lol. The only one not listening round here is you. The developers have proven that they listen to us and want our input. Several times

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there are many people who would disagree with the first point
and the second point is partially valid becuase they will listen to some and ignore others that are equally important


You must not have seen most of my comments. I’m cracking jokes 24/7. That’s just how I live my life

They’re not going to do everything. They’re not going to implement every little input. It’s foolish to think that they would

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I’m skimming through this farce and have a thought:

How about beer & wings?


Dibs on wings

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id love some wings

Came from someone who has only been repeating “it’s a scam” argument for the past few hours.

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It’s something most ppl usually agree on. Good! To the pub, then, see ya later!


How can I disprove nonsense? Please, tell me lol.

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Literally brought up the definition and he tried to twist it to suit his claim

No, I am calling for adding spawn cost for all vehicles, similar to warthunder. American cas should be powerful but you shouldn’t be able to cycle planes like crazy. It also makes shooting down planes and anti-tank actually impactful.

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The Steam Release was either a scam or another aimless project from DF and Gajin but for different reasons. To some extent I would say the devs “forced” us to buy it, but not for the sake of playing it on Steam.
The thing is… what was the point of the EA?

The pricing for the 20 shekel bundle was okay. The squads were like 500 gold or so, which is 5 euros. Plus the gold, vet membership, and the EA itself, I think it was acceptable for DF standards. The prices for the Advanced and especially the Deluxe Version were off because not only are the MG squads recycled, but the tanks only work in low-br matches, so they would be useless, especially the German Panzer II, which has no machine gun. It’s too bad the bugs for the SMG squads were not a feature because that would have been pretty dope.
It also sucked that DF went full DF again and didn’t let people choose if the Advanced version either includes the German or the American squads. Speaking of nations, it’s also pretty smart to not only not let people choose nations but really only sell the Germans the Americans. I know that (according to Americans) America single-handedly won the War in Asia against Japan and was the sole main power to defeat the Germans, too, even before WW2 officially started in 1941… but maybe people also want to play as Japan or the Soviets.

But coming back to EA. The single-use for the EA apparently was to test the transition of progress to Enlisted and some technical manners. In fact, technical limitations were why they made it a purchasable EA. Nothing else was said to be tested other than progress and profile linking and server stuff- So its basically just a paid bug report phase, which is a bit off to demand up to 100 shekels from people to report bugs. Does that justify making it an EA? You do remember that you have those Alpha-Testers around? Why not just tell them to test it and report bugs so the main release would be free from the most affecting ones?
But the real scam part is that they made an EA under the premise that they might-maybe-consider-think-about whether they want to go beyond EA or not and indirectly linking it to the sale figures of the EA. And apparently, at least Keofox doesn’t care about the EA at all. So they sell a product where they don’t fully stand behind it and leave a question mark whether it will go beyond the EA phase or not? And before someone says that EA are always projects where the devs are not 100% if the popularity and sale numbers are enough to continue the project, may I remind you that this is not some indie-game studio and that the game technically already exists in a more or less usable status.
“You don’t need to buy it.” Well, the main reason people want the game on Steam is because of the platform (no one cares if he gets more achievements on his Steam profile or Steam cards), which could result in more players. Not only did they link the future of the game on Steam and, therefore, its indirect ad-future to a paid bug-test phase, but they also could (not 100% scientific-based) alienate newbies by their weird price policy and the fact that they distribute two different versions. Not to mention that they pay at least 20 shekels for probably the worst-bugged version of the game since Stalingrad. I had no profile issues but still the network stability on the Steam version is worse than in the standalone version and that is already not the best stability.
And in terms of marketing, Steam is really the last ace in their hand because, oh boy, did they fail hard with social media…
Joker - Laugh III
Whats really left? And putting the (marketing) future not only on a ?, but also selling it with weird bundles… not a great plan.
And still, they obviously aimed for newbies since everything is BR1 and 3, even though the BR3 MGs were pretty dumb since it would put newbies into BR3-5 matches, which again doesn’t make it enjoyable for newbies. Also, referring back to the pricing, it seems like DF tries to make newbies play the Germans and Americans, probably due to their importance for the MM. Or was it also for the vets? But why would vets only want US and German squads? And if it was also for vets, why mostly just recycling old ugh…

So… again… what was this release really all about? What was the purpose? Is this too high for me to get?


could be a test, they might have had a plan, increase profits, they would make you pay for the steam early access ‘version’, then they would change their decision to make you pay for the full version, and finally they would shut down the free launcher, also the bundles are just for appeasement a poor attempt to reduce backlash.

and they would use steam for a wave of new players


300 less silver for a max MP40 :rofl:


Quite a few of them are clearly paid-for reviews.


Oh no, not the repair costs

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What kinda bugs?