Suspending Early Access on Steam

Idk, i had quite a laugh for past hour xD thanks to this discussion.

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You are right.

This is as stated in a lot of reviews. People quickly will say its a scam because they are charging a price for a repackaged free game.

Also what makes it worse is that nowhere in the description does it say its free on their website and launcher. This is what adds to the perception that its a scam. Steam reviews matter greatly and will affect the sales and uptake of the game.


Are you speaking of those reviews who are constantly getting more and more positive?

From 17% caused by review bombers to current 51%

Okay :man_shrugging:

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nobody cares

lets get facts straight though

Steam has a test branch. Where players can request access on the Store page of the game to join the test. Meaning you, as developers can grant access in waves to as many people as you want. You can test the Steam client, without asking your playerbase to pay for it.

plenty of games in steam do it for free
like out of action
becuase its a scam to charge people to play a game that is free on other platforms, that has no differences


deleting reviews


Nah, you are just too insecure that paying player had option to buy privilege to play Enlisted on steam sooner than you.

Thatā€™s basically the whole drama here.

Shameless lie :joy:

projecting eyy

you feel the need to say that you are laughing from this and that im insecure

ohh yeah idc, playing on steam has no difference
im just pointing out the obvious and the fact that your response is that Iā€™m insecure proves that you have no rebuttal


Some of the positive reviews look quite suspicious. Like paid reviews. I could be wrong but i wouldnā€™t put it past them.


Nothing you say is ever productive criticism or interesting to read all you do is white knight for DF. This is why Iā€™m honestly tempted to just add you to my ignore list.

You do realise if the second steam launch goes poorly that will lead to the death of this game. Which none of us want.


A: what makes you people know whatā€™s best for the game?
B: Iā€™ve seen what you people think would make the game ā€œbetter;ā€ and I want no part of it

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but in all seriousness sometimes the people are right

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Aw, manā€¦ this is really sad news. Iā€™ve been trying to save up enough funds to get one of the early access packs, too. :worried:

I really, really hope these technical hurdles can be overcome for a smooth release on Steam. Iā€™m willing to wait for a good launch. :face_holding_back_tears:


you really slept through the apocalypse

Iā€™ve seen the dude bring up plenty of criticisms of the game and suggest things to be done about them. Not his fault youā€™re either too blind to see em or donā€™t care enough to acknowledge them. Canā€™t blame him for calling out childish bullcrap like what you all are pulling off right now either

so whatā€™s childish in your supreme opinion


I think Adamnpee has summed it up pretty darn well. The review bombing, the threats, the insults, being completely unhelpful and useless in trying to convey to the devs where they screwed up. You know the saying, catch more flies with honey or whatever


Thatā€™s clearly not true :man_shrugging: I donā€™t need to read any further.

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Really do feel like your profile picture is a perfect example of how you feel talking to these two. Lol

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nobody is threatening the devs, from what Iā€™ve seen and there has been tons of valid criticisms made (just scroll up), review bombing is a result of constant not listening to the community, its the straw that broke the camels back