Suspending Early Access on Steam

Scams try and trick you out of your money. Steam is entirely optional. No one said you HAD to purchase Steam access to play the game

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Man if we could get paid for saying logical things, that’d be the dream

its not logical though

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exactly, they force you to buy a game that’s free on another launcher


No it was optional to test it on Steam. The free launcher’s still there. You can remain 100% F2P all you want

but do they tell you about a free launcher, no
so any new players get scammed for a free product


What games advertise their launcher on Steam? A simple Google search of the game leads you straight to a button where you can download Enlisted for free anyways. If you’re not even doing that level of research on a game then it ain’t DF’s fault you paid. Besides, this was purely to TEST the game and to be able to connect your Gaijin account to Steam. The game launching fully on Steam would likely also be free

its a scam just a bad one, plus what are they testing by making a paid launcher

also steam is more trusted


Yes, go pay $20 to play a free game
It was a scam
That’s why the paywall was so heavily shit on


Not saying it was a good decision, but by definition it wasn’t a scam

it is by definition


to deceive and defraud (someone)
to obtain (something, such as money) by a scam
dictionary definition

they tried to deceive new players into buying a game that is free, they just did it extremely poorly


Stop deliberately manipulating the facts. You paid for a bundle that allows you to get early access to steam.


So selling early access/privilege of getting something sooner than others is scam in todays leftist world xDDDD nice, good to know…


You are rights. Because you haven’t proven anything at all. There’s nothing to disprove.

oh man i guess when i come back there will be like 60 comment sheesh (or not i guess, good)

I didn’t pay for anything because I’m not that retarded
And there is no early access on steam
On top of that the game is free
No pay to access
And you can simply add the Enlisted launcher as a non-steam game

Don’t run damage control for a company that has a consistent track record of making the WORST possible decisions for the future of the game


Stop being such a constant white Knight for the game all the time.

A lot of people on here want what is best for this game and right now what they need is for people to be honest with them.

The paywalled steam release was a bad idea from the start and what happened when they released it and got review bombed was entirely predictable and avoidable.

Just be honest with others and the devs otherwise whats the point of a feedback forum?


very well said


Came from guys who’s calling EA a scam and wants war crimes to be added into game xD

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