Suspending Early Access on Steam

now you know:D



As someone with over 7k h in War Thunder it didnā€™t used to be now it is.

The bonuses from pacific full access were removed, squads nerfed, exp bonus gone aka a scam.


Simple Reset Countdown would solve thisā€¦

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acceptable for DF standards



Our squads got nerfed? Weird

Enlisted is an online game, and it is quite common for services on Online to changeā€¦,
I can give you many examples if you like.
Online services are not permanent, and should be considered as something you can buy and enjoy right after they are released, and if you canā€™t get it, you wonā€™t get it anymore.
Even Amazon kindle does not allow permanent possession of purchased books.
If you want to have something that you can own forever, you should buy a ā€œphysical substanceā€, not a ā€œserviceā€.

Regarding the Pacific and Stalingrad experience bonuses, they warned that they would be lost six months before the merge. They did a good job on this.
Even if you bought them right after the merge was announced, you still had time to grind the US Marines and Japanese in the Pacific to the max, and if you bought the pack right after it was released, of course you would have already grinded and the experience bonuses would have been meaningless.
So letā€™s not complain about the loss of the pacific and Stalingrad experience bonuses anymore.
It is not fair to blame them forever.

No, thatā€™s not a scam. Scams are by definition intentional attempts to deceive someone. Which implies the devs added all those things with the specific intent to remove them later. And thatā€™s simply not the case.

So itā€™s not a scam, itā€™s just poor design and planning.

Also not sure how squads got nerfed. If anything they got 100x more useful by getting put in low tier matches were they shine.

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They have offered no refunds or compensation (also owners of full access packs got all newly bought weapons/vics 1 lvl before max upgrade from the get go) Merge was a mistake and i will complain every chance i get especially since merge was and is a disaster.

Also when you ā€˜ā€˜sayā€™ā€™ oh online services changeā€¦ well how are consumers supposed to trust in buying stuff especially overpriced items like enlisted squads/packs when they can be changed at any time.

Again even the partner game WT DOES NOT DO THAT.

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That soo untrue. The japanese type 1 smg squad is BR 3 aka dead br as it can see br5, the M8 grayhound and LVT squads are basically useless at rank 1 due to all the compression at rank 1.

The japanese tanks are even worse off since now they fight shermans on the regular.

The only squad that got buffed was the m1928 usmc squad and even then its not that good.

It was not a change that required a refund.
Experience bonuses and upgraded weapons/soldiers were of timed value, i.e. until the player finishes the grind. Many players were able to have enjoyed their perks by the time before the merge. The premium squads that came with full access also continue to be available; they are not particularly badly handled compared to WT.

To me, your response is over-the-top and seems to be an attempt to abuse the Darkflow developers by magnifying the fact that the game has been redesigned. I find this behavior questionable.


Partially true, but exaggerated.
There are only two BR queues in effect, and mid-class equipment is useless when thrown into high BR, but the developer is aware of this problem and did not intentionally design it that way, so it does not mean that the developer committed fraud.
Keofox responded that the lack of a player base was causing this problem, which was somewhat understandable.
There has been a lot of discussion with the players as to how the problem should be resolved, but I think it is inappropriately offensive to equate the developer with a scammer in this case.

Cool i find the merge, the execution of it and justification for it questionable. And i wished i never supported the game in alpha even if it was actually good and enjoyable back then.

And i find it inappropriate and offensive to lock more and more squads behind fomo events, making the game worse, grind worse, mm worse and removing player agency as well as super compressing BRs.

Lack of players is an excuse that only takes you soo far and i will not defend a game that keeps making worse and worse decisions.

And yes i will call it what it is a scam.



Not really, but I see your point here at least.

Uh, no? I donā€™t even know what that means, theyā€™re perfectly good, usable tanks at low tier.

Yep. Japanese tanks suck in real life, they suck in the game. No getting around it. At least they have good AT weapons.

Ah, I see your problem now. You think everything has to be ā€œgoodā€ and not just for fun. The Thompson squad is average at its tier but just fun to use. Thatā€™s a win in my book.

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Previously it was relatively balanced the worst any jap tank could see back in old GOOD campaign systems was an M3A1 or M8 Scott now there is almost no reason to play any jap tank since there is a sherman/grant in almost every game since the stupid BR 1-3 mm.

No i donā€™t think you see the point. If there is 1 best thing to use the other things around it need to be better in something else or there is no point in having them. In old campaign system there was a reason to use the Pz4 over the Pz3J1 in moscow for example one had better anti infantry one had better AT. Now there is 1 good vic to use PER BR with the rest are basically useless.

On top of that be BIGGEST issue is that the aesthetic of the game got ruined by the mergeā€¦ before the merge all the tanks and weapons were at least believable for the timeperiod/scenario of the campaign now that is completely gone. Immersion is down a LOT since the merge to the point of being non existent.


Youā€™re going down a pointless rabbit hole of an argument that I honestly donā€™t care about.

Bro thatā€™s exactly my point. You seem to think that only using the best stuff matters. I donā€™t care if the Thompson isnā€™t the best squad out there, itā€™s still good enough for its tier and much easier to use in low tier than getting roped into high tier sweatfest.

Thatā€™s a different argument that has nothing to do with what Iā€™m talking about.
Also, which is it, balance or immersion?
You say the pacific was balanced without M4s, yet M4s were quite common in the pacific. M10s and M18s were present as well (technically M26s too they just didnā€™t see actual combat)

Release on Steam is now dispraised also outside the community.


Dumb video. Do people still not understand that it was a closed beta test for the steam client?