Dupped Items after Steam realese

When the Steam realese dropped the new Beretta M1918 squad i noticed they had the tech tree version of the gun and not the regular one, that meant i could switch out the weapons with something else, so i did with regular K98’s and left it there to the day after this issue was fixed, however since i switched out all the weapons, not only did i get 5 new free Beretta M1918’s but apparently this had duplicated the Beretta M1918 to also give some premium ones specifily 4 of them.

They are only visual and show up to the Assaulters and you can’t apply them to the Assaulters either. I reported the issue a min ago but i tought i’d share this intresting phenomenon


Yeah, definitely worth sharing.

Thank you. I wouldn’t know, since I am not checking CBR on daily bases.

Unequipping a premium weapon - something that many players wanted so bad.

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Same thing happened to me after i refunded the game on Steam. They took the premiums and gold but not that weird bugged weapon that can’t be equipped anyway.

I noticed this too, I thought I must have un equipped that squad in reverses. Now that you bring it up, yeah not normal. I also tried giving my Italian guys one too.

Oh yeah also I’m on console and have nothing to do with steam, if that clarifies anything.