Suggestion to Adjust M1 / M2 Carbine Series Recoil to Improve Game Balance [Mathematical Comparison]

Following my working out a comparison between various guns in a couple of campaigns, most notably to the topic of Normandy ( Comparison of Normandy Campaign Guns ) , I now have numbers to put to the feeling that the M1 and M2 carbine (and now the M2A1 carbine) were underpowered compared to the rest of the guns in their respective class and level bracket.

With this in mind, I would put forward the proposal to adjust the vertical recoil value of all three guns to 30. Were such done, their figures would look as follows in the table when compared to their contemporaries; (hypothetical recoil modified guns’ figures in blue)

As we can see, adjusting the vertical recoil in this manner would bring the M1 carbine into a position of being competitive with the Garand and Gewehr, which have similar unlock levels, and makes the M2 carbine appreciably better, although still not as capable as the FG42 or Gewehr 43 Kurz.

The M2A1 carbine meanwhile goes from bottom-tier in close quarters to mediocre, and best-in-class at long ranges, which is appreciable for the cartridge used, and considering the performance of the Gewehr 43 Kurz.

I believe that this change to their recoil value would improve gameplay considerably and bring a reason to carry such weapons in-game, whereas at present they’re decidedly sub-par choices, as both the numbers, and subjective experience of myself and others whom I have spoken with show.

Thank you for your time.


if you spend a lot of time using them you will learn how to balance everything automatically, for example they are much more manageable in prefire mode than in aiming or free aiming but an adjustment would not hurt +1

it maybe shit but it’s my kind of shit <3

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Completely agree, I picked up M2 carbine once and find that weapon is dogshit, highly uncontrollable(let alone its sight is also dogshit) even with -40% vertical recoil perk. But they should also introduce MKB42 and MP43 as infantry weapon if buff M2 in this way.


Why? FG42 exists. Though if we made the FG42 an assaulter weapon I’m all for the MP43 being a standard infantry weapon instead.

Also hopefully they also fix the M2 carbine’s sights at some point in time… sooner rather than later… hopefully.

Good idea. Completely agree that FG42 should be an assaulter weapon and MP43 being a infantry weapon.

Because in the real fight, accuracy and recoil is usually way more important than just damage. I just test in the practice mode that FG42 can hardly shoot a target with 2 hits beyond 20m(without -40% perk of course), while Gewehr 43 Kurz can easily hit a target with 2-3 hits even at 60-70m when squat, which indicates the fact that weapons with intermediate cartridge with controllable(means: lower than 300 vertical recoil per second and 120 horizontal recoil per second) recoil is the most powerful kind of weapon in this game. So Mp43 would be way more better than FG42 in almost every aspect, if both being infantry weapons.
Yes, in theory, you could creep down and then fg42 would become an LMG, but the visibility would be poor and there is a lot of grass in Normandy.

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FG 42 has the option of not firing in full auto (or a player having the skill to use short bursts) and recovering it’s recoil and still outperforming even a buffed M2 carbine, lol.

Not so effective considering almost everybody is keeping moving fast like rabbits in oestrus in this game, personally I would throw all FG42(except those at 6 level) into dust bin when MP43 would be introduced as an infantry weapon.
But like you said somewhere else, Americans should have Johnson LMG as a counter to FG.

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I think we’re playing different games if you’re encountering most players running around like rabbits. Bots aside, most players tend to run in straight lines in my experience, albeit with a few exceptions.

But yes, Johnson M1941 LMG is the best American option to counter the FG 42, so…

Yes, decrease the recoil of M2 to about 32/12(I watched some videos people shooting M2 and find 56/18 ridicouslously high ), give americans Johnson 1941 and germans MP43, maybe the best way to balance late-game trooper weapons.


Why 32?

I mean, I chose 30 out of a combination of lazyness and because of the .30 carbine round, but it still seems to fit well while still being decidedly worse than the German weapons with damage considered at that value.

Just lazyness, like devs. If you observe you would find that M2 has exactly 15% more vertical recoil than FG42, and FG42II has exactly 15% less than FG42, like some kind of fabrication with caculator

Funny I picked up a M1, off a dead GI. Then I killed 10 people with it before it ran out of bullets. This things is a good hip fire weapon. Less recoil along with 5 spamable multi shots before reloading. Naw leave it be.

“less recoil” Than what? It has more recoil per unit of damage - nearly double the recoil for the damage inflicted - compared to any other semi-auto rifle. It has poor damage per second too, with the only redeeming trait being that ammo capacity it has, both per magazine and on the whole.


I picked up the M1 grande. it was fine. He maybe talking about the other M1 not sure.

I’m speaking about the M1 Carbine (and by extension, it’s higher tier automatic firing counterparts in the M2 and M2A1 carbines)

The M1 Garand is fine as is, yes, but that’s not what the topic was about, which is why I was rather confused by your post.

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please write what calculation formulas you used

Time to kill;
20 / damage → rounded up → x (1 / rounds per minute)

Damage / vertical recoil is… damage / vertical recoil at both 10m and 200m. (or 300m is 200m isn’t available on the stat card, as is the case on LMGs)

Horizontal is the same function as above.

E value is
Time to kill divided by the Damage/ vertical recoil ratio, then divided again by the damage / horizontal recoil value.

Did that for both 10m and 200m.

The average is simply a average of the two values. (10m e value + 200m e value) / 2.

Damage capacity is simply the damage value times the number of bullets you have by default with the gun.

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I calculated more easy way

  1. damage 1 bullet x V magazine
  2. damage bullet x firing rate per minute
    Баланс оружия союзников в Нормандии (Его полное отсутствие)
  • comparison characteristics weapoin

without time reload (not shure how correct calculeted reload circle per minute) without bonus
sorry for my wery good english)))