It’s fine, you’re better with English than I am with other languages, so there’s no complaint from me there, lol.
And there’s different ways to try to come up with an idea for the efficiency of different guns. My method might be a bit more involved / complicated, but it works out well enough, and while it could be still more detailed (taking into account reload times and the like), I think my method is good enough, all considered. (especially as… I honestly don’t tend to run into issues with reloading any gun in game, for the most part)
The real problem is that americans are now more or less a victim of balance happened outside(that’s why balance is so complicated in this game) Normandie(MG vs PPD/PPsh), and don’t have their own PPD or something which is insanely good at CQC.
M1919 Browning maybe? But considering its 250-round belt it’s extremly unbalanced to be able to continiously fire for halt a minute. Or M1919 Thompson? Also insanely OP with a firerate of 1500rdm and a 100r drum. M1923 with 100 drum would be a better option. But like you see, we only have M1928A1 in the folder so far.
M1928, 100 round drum, 800 rounds per minute, 6.8 damage per bullet at close range. Should be more than fine as a high tier SMG.
M1919A6 also had 100 round belts available, I think? Which should be an option as a higher level LMG. Could also buff other allied LMGs, potentially.
While I think it’ll be fine, with whatever you could match them up from the germans, even if it’ll be a hell grind to get there for either… so there’s a concern at lower levels.
Could buff shotguns back to where they used to be and give americans shotguns galore, and let other classes use the shotgun, perhaps. Further buff the m1 carbine series beyond what I’m recommending here?
Personally, I’m of the opinion to buff the US’ self loading rifles in general, given that was their real schtic in WW2. So the Garand should also get a buffing treatment, lowering the recoil a bit to make it a bit better than the Gewehr. Add in the Johnson M1941 LMG and have it be marginally better than the FG42. (and release them at the same level), make it so the M2 carbine has better recoil characteristics than the STG44 (and have them at the same level), etc.
That way each faction gets their own relatively OP weapons type, if we’re not going into a nerfing balance pass on Germans and Soviets.
They should in the beginning give Germans FG42 I and FG42 II(with recoil per second reduced) as counters to two Bars, just cannot understand why they love choosing this complicated way of asynchronous balance rather than synchronous balance(like Suomi vs PPsh and FG42 vs Bar or Tiger vs Jumbo or MKB vs M2 carbine, and even more…)
Panther vs Jumbo would make more sense, (for a number of reasons) but yes, it is a bit… confusing as to the dev’s choices in the matter and poorly thought out, in my opinion.