sorry, as much i can sort of get behind a better customization, i do not think that should be monetized ( that is, more than it already is ).
especially since the vehicle customization ( and to an extent, the customization it self ), bp, premium accounts, slots, fomo buy-to-skip events, buyable gold, silver, premium squads which don’t have to be meta, and many other microtrasactions.
with that being said, the customization is alot worse than everyone can imagine.
not for the fact that it lacks all options in the customization it self, nor that you have to buy the same items ( technically, yes, it is bad ) but what’s worse, is that if you want to add a single helmet, you have to add it for all 120+ squads and multiply it by 4 for each squad.
meaning that, the customization is not campaign based as they want to make us believe, but it’s tied to squads that contains presets for all factions and each preset has the campaign name.
so ideally, you have to to go through all squads just to add one single cosmetic.
good luck for more than one. ( which, i have been told only one person is in charge of the cosmetic presets… for all factions )
which means, the customization as adam putted it, requires an actual update of it’s own.
one that i’m not sure they will go through.
anyway, for the rest, fully on board i guess.
i mean, i’m sort of conflicted as i do believe limitations are needed for balance.
but… given how things are, it goes both ways.