Stop paywalling game mechanics

blame history, question what percentage of uniforms are green or brown, what percentage of soldiers wore combat helmets or caps
simply put you would have to put 99 percent of what soldiers wore side by side to tell the difference

If you have 5 uniforms, 5 backpacks, 5 webings/holsters, 5 helmets, 5 faces, 5 gloves, 5 trousers, 5 boots, this gives you 5^8=390 625 combinations. Enough to make ppl interested.
And you can easily find more than 5 of each.

That’s extreme nonsense. I have already stated in different topic why that’s not the case.

But I am too lazy to find that post or explain it again.

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I think this is a redundant sentence because the core point of Paratroopers is that they do not have a backpack nor secondary slot because they get it from the box.

Regardless I do think they should add Research Tree Paratroopers that we can change their primary however we like. I still don’t mind new Premium and Event ones, but we should still have free

I certainly was campaigning and making my issue heard on the original thread for rocket artillery. I believe gameplay mechanics should not be restricted or locked to premium or even event squads. That mechanic basically gets tossed on the shelf and collects dust.

Rocket artillery should be available for all radio operators. I hope that they will rectify this at some point

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then if it is made tech line or even event, it needs to be nerfed if its anywhere near as strong as the rocket tanks

This was my idea of how I thought rocket artillery should be implemented in game. I think its better and more interesting than just artillery but better. Of coarse I think it should be remade like this at some point and will continue to campaign for it

I also made more points throughout the thread in comments explaining it

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something between an artillery strike and bombing run could work

Funny - that for players without money every item in store is a p2w.

“p2w = because I dont know how to use demo packs and I cannot kill a tank with a sniper rifle !!!”

Yet too sleazy to mark that tank for the rest of a team :sweat_smile:

I guess everyone defines “pay to win” Slightly differently

I guess I see it as something you buy that way outclasses anything available in its bracket, and is easily used by any scrub.

theres not much of that IMO. Most of the good stuff is niche, and terrible in the hands of anyone who isnt competent, and a competent player would do just as well in the tech tree stuff.

The only ones that I found flirting with P2W were probably the Tunisia Flame throwers (dont see them much), And perhaps the New BR 2 soviet Radiomen (New rocket artillery combined with Scopes that only snipers have…and that one Japanese mg)

oh and paras

when a bad player can buy somehthing and do well when they usually wouldnt. Pretty good indicator of P2W

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Lol yeah that video is something i hate about enlisted too!!!

The amount of players that cant do something simple and blame it on something else…


I guess someone decided to let their 10 year old be a content creator.

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didn’t cook the demo or throw it in a good spot, even tried a regular hand grenade, might be a troll
if not a troll it is a tank in a shooter not an rpg what did he expect a health bar to pop up

Nah, 10 yo are way more skilled at games than majority of adult Enlisted’s playerbase.


Fair point. But that vid was either trolling or low skill.

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the tank driver was pretty good too :smile:

Always choose the lazy way.

It’s a free game they have to generate revenue somehow to pay for continued updates/development. etc

I have 1 premium tank on ONE faction. It’s a skill matter, not a financial one.

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I mean game mechanics, such as paratroopers, APCs etc. the ones that are unique, I don’t mind premium tanks I can drive free tanks if I want. It’s not the case with paratroopers or upcoming radio update.