Soviet rocket launchers to replace german ones in the USSR tech tree

The soviets in game are currently using panzerfausts as their rocket AT weaponry, which is fine and historical but in the end its just copy and paste that reduces the diversity of weapons in the game. That will especially be noticable with the upcoming addition of tech trees, so I am suggesting soviet replacements that will be unique to the USSR tech tree with a trade off to historical accuracy as these werent really used on the frontlines.

  • Type A launcher:

    The launcher consisted of a converted PTRD with a shortened barrel, relocated bipod and handle, and new sights. The stabilizer for the warhead consisted of a smooth pipe with six fins. The 70 mm grenade was fired by a 14.5 mm blank round.

  • LPG-44:

    The LPG-44 could be fired while standing, held either over the shoulder or under the arm, while kneeling, or prone. To fire, the fuse was inserted into the rear of the rocket, then the rocket was inserted into the launcher.
    The maximum penetration while testing was 150* mm and the practical rate of fire was 9-12 RPM.

  • PTR-82:
    A prototype from 1943 which fired spin stabilized RPM-82 rockets. The gun had a safety shield which allowed safe shooting from the shoulder. Due to the low rate of fire and low protection of the crew from powder gases it was decided to redesign the weapon, the redesigned weapon then became the RPR-82.
    The rocket weighed 4.5 kg and had a penetration of 140* mm, a velocity of 200m/s with the practical rate of fire being 5-6 RPM.

  • B.S. Petropavlovskogo model 1931 (gold order / event weapon):
    The world’s first hand held 65 mm rocket propelled grenade launcher, 325 units were produced. It was used by parts of the NKVD for conducting special operations using high-explosive fragmentation grenades, it had no HEAT grenades as they were not invented at the time.


I always try to have at least one bomber in my squad, BUT.

IT,s not worty in soviets. due the lack of anti tank weapows.

interesting, that anti tank weapows of soviet manufacture existed


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The Anti-Material Rifles aren’t useless. They can take out lighter tanks as well as disable tracks and other precise targets on a tank


Yes they are not I love using them, but I am not saying to replace those AT rifles. I am just suggesting the german AT rocket launchers to be replaced with unique soviet ones in the new USSR tech tree.

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I’m not against adding these experimental Soviet AT weapons, I’m just saying to the other guy that Soviet AT soldiers aren’t completely useless

Clearly a little misunderstanding :sweat_smile:


key words lighter tanks.


With the eventual Super Overhaul coming as well as eventually Half Tracks and other motor/mechanized vehicles, there will definitely be a large influx of light vehicles to prey on

Buuuuuuut with determination we still harass heavier tanks

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Yeah, other factions are already relying upon barely used and/or prototype weapons for literally all mainline top-tier rifles, I wouldn’t be opposed to Soviets getting some paper AT weapons. Them just getting Panzerfausts doesn’t feel right, even if they did capture them in significant numbers.


They could also get lend lease stuff


I am fairly certain that no of the above where used or adopted by the red army during ww2. As they where rejected in trials, and based on feedback new prototypes where tested in 1945 but after Germany surrendered.

As a result they may work as event weapons but not main tree unlocks.

Also the red army used captured panzerfausts and lend leased bazookas in large quantities. So the usage of panzerfausts by soviet anti tank infantry is quite accurate. They just need to receive bazookas and recoiless rifles to complete their roaster of AT weapons.

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armor is too far strong for the m1 bazooka, and PIAT to be useable in berlin

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I’m skeptical of how many Panzerfaust 100s they captured prior to wars end.

They could also make a seperate variant of the Ampulomet for bombers to carry on their backs and deploy like a mortar to fire on tanks - with the PBM-125 cumulative grenades which were actually modified PTAB bombs.

  • PBM-125 HEAT grenade with up to 90mm of penetration:

None of these were accepted into service while the USSR used lend lease PIATs, Bazookas and captured panzerfausts later in the war. Sure let these on the tech tree but do not replace the captured panzerfaust with something much worse

By that logic then get rid of the German captured PPSh too because copy paste an “it doesn’t feel right” but I’m against the idea of deleting captured weapons. The Soviets don’t even have captured MP40s despite being captured in large numbers.

Yeah Bazooka and PIAT would be a great addition to the tech tree before unlocking the panzerfaust

There is no evidence of their use at all, because tests have shown poor system unreliability qualities, in contrast to German designs.

Well, with panzerfaust 100 it is not clear, but panzerfaust 30/60, Panzerschreck, they captured in huge numbers due to the fact that the Germans began to retreat at an accelerated pace.

Where do you see any captured PPSh in the german tree?

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Not in the tree, but there are two PPSH versions the German army could get in the past

one is a MP40 mag conversion version that fires 9mm which could only be obtained in the past during a special event. ( extremely high dps )

The other is a Drum Mag PPSH that fires mauser C96 rounds ( very slightly less powerful than a regular PPSH) which could only be obtained if you bought a special Stalingrad package.

So both German PPSH versions not part of the regular tech tree.

Then the point still stands, I’d rather have prototype russian AT rocket weaponry instead of just taking panzerfaust and smacking it in there.

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