Add Ithaca 37 in the Rzhev update

In a major update with only a single gun and a tank for the Americans, it feels very lackluster; that is why I believe it would be perfect to reach into the editor and add the Ithaca 37 to the game. You already have the model and the animations for it; all that it needs is its camera to be set up.


I would also like to say that this gun has been requested for a long time, and now would be the time to add it. The weather is perfect for a new shotgun in Enlisted.


now we just need to find the players to use it
given its short range and rate of fire shotguns just like the real war are of very limited use

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There are many who long for more shotguns.

It looks like it has a longer barrel than the M12. It also appears to have a bead for its front sight, which is an upgrade to the beadless M12.


Panzerschreck and captured panzerschreck

Pavesi svt copy

Kp 31 sjr


An m2 stinger

Dreyse m1907

Panzer 3 l

Aec armoured car

Panther f

Fury mk 1

Bf 109 g-2 trop

Firefly mk 1

P 400



I would rather see something different, soviets can use their prototype and the US can get the super bazooka.

Sure it would have worse pen but it has twice the velocity of the panzershreck so it would be very easy to aim long range. Not everything has to be the same.


My beloved, its a criminal offense that beauty isn’t in the game.

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Is this a new addition to the editor, or has it been there for a while?

No thank you.

At this point even this prototype would be preferrable to Soviet troops using PzF.

Thankfully they’ve added the US bazookas to the Soviet line up, so that’s my current upgrade from the PTRS 41 for higher BR games.

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I’m assuming you don’t like shotguns?

Not in WWII games in general, there are probably some scenarios in the Pacific, where I think they would fit in ok, but no I don’t like them.

  1. I urge you to only play with American shotguns in Enlisted. It doesn’t matter what br; just try it because usually, your enemies are easily within 50m if you are playing point. Ithaca 37 might have a chance to slightly extend its range due to barrel length.

  2. What WW2 games have you been playing to make you not like shotguns? It is very saddening to know there are WW2 games that do this to the beloved boomstick : (

Been there for a while

That’s just sad. Why don’t they add it?

where are all the cool pistol in the editor? isnt there a colt walker or something? (i forgot)

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Panther F. . .in the days of CBT, all panthers were this.
It was intimidating, like the Tiger 2, and scary at the time.

They are there; I was just hoping that a reasonable gun like the Ithaca 37 could be added so that there is at least more than one gun being added to the Americans for this “big update”.

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I’m doing the US tree right now, I’ve had a bit of a head start across the old campaign set up, but as many players have found my research atm is all over the place and blocked in some areas. I’m somewhere between BR 2 and 3 in most cases. I was actually thinking to equip some of the USMC squads with them for the Pacific campaign, but now that the maps are random, I’m not sure how that will work out.

I’ve played quite a few of the usual titles, and some titles do have them, but I just don’t use them.

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I have had much success using an engineer squad split in half; one half is equipped with shotguns, and the other is with rifles. This system worked for me on most maps. I would suggest you use the 1st Combat Engineer Battalion since they are Marines, but the devs didn’t believe that building the perimeter defenses and Henderson field while also repairing it 24/7 due to Japanese bomber attacks was important enough to be featured in this game (they had to do all this with Japanese trucks and bulldozers because there wasn’t enough equipment brought in).

Have you tried shotguns in Red Orchestra 2?

There are so many cool things in the editor

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