New update seems underwhelming

sure we got one new map which i do like
but in terms on content…its supposed be a major update but it only added 2 tech tree guns and 5 vehicles … i thought since we have tech tree they would add more content more frequently but it seems not to be the case and ofc how can i not forget 4 premium squads yay


7 stuff, it is similar to previous major updates.

How does tech tree have anything to do with add more content frequently?

cuz its not seperated to campaign thus adding middle early war stuff would be easier than it was in linear campaigns where they did not add levels in the middle or the start of the progression


i do remember when we got like “3 levels” for each faction and usually new map or even more than one


I suggested that they add something else almost two weeks ago, but I guess they just didn’t care. Other people brought up other weapons that could’ve been added as well.

.>update focused on 1942-43 battle
.>adds late war guns,vehicles (expect the pz4g and t34 57)
.>kv2 and flakbus being early-mid war are premium smh
where marder,valentines,spitfires,t80,SPAAs?
where mid war stuff


I don’t really think it is a limiting factor. More likely because of they lack the efficiency.

Those are rather early updates. Their pace of adding new stuff become slower on recent year. Maybe because those 3 levels stuff are already made long ago.

its just underwhelming is all was expecting more for german,soviet side since thats what the update was supposed to be about and also them making rzhev br5 ugh why not at least br4 max

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The problem is every faction needs their stuff. Soviet and Germany clearly doesn’t need that much focus consider that Japan and US are still lacking several stuff. I can see you are still using the campaign mindset from the past. It is over, they are just some maps.

That is how current br works.

some maps well battle of rzhev is soviet/germany focused so lil bit more content couldnt hurt,well they can clearly limit the brs so

So why should rzhev receive special treatment?

at least it didnt broke the game or create new bugs.