Roflstomp example in Moscow Campaign

Well, ladies and gents, this would basically be an example of a roflstomp - one side basically crushing the other with no remorse. And I had the displeasure of witnessing it in Beloe lake, EU or Eastern EU server, a bit before 14:00 UTC:

The soviets were capable to basically clear out the axis attackers right at their spawn point.
In a way, Beloe lake map was something of a preffered map of mine. Though, seeing this kind of slaughter at the first hand, one would be curious how operation Barbarossa could happen in the first place.
Or, why the Soviets were not in Berlin at 1941/2?

A few minutes pass, and a few lucky axis blokes manage to make it to the capture point, but no significant success, they were repulsed soon afterwards.
I myself managed get a PZ4 F1 running, popped a few smoke rounds, managed to spray a bit of machinegun fire, but there was very little that I could do against T-50s. They didn’t even stick at the greyzone! I may have had a bit more success if I had a plane with me (even the HS-123), but alas, I am but a Free to Play player, and I was focusing on improving the PZ4 F1, so… shrugs.

And these are basically the last moments of battle - I ran out of ammo for the gewehr 33, and basically had to resolve to equipping a pistol.

Results screen also doesn’t give much… pleasure. Shoutout to the few that sticked with me in this masochism seance.

So, basically the soviets could mindlessly slaughter the attacking axis, who probably were not quite experienced either. Most resorted to deserting.
A more fair version would be, if axis managed to take at least 1 point. Then, it could, debatably, be considered an interesting battle for both sides.
My question/suggestion would be this:

Why are these soviet fellows not blasting bots left right and center in the custom battles instead? It would be much less painful for new players facing these guys. I think devs should remove that experience penalty in custom battles and basically let players duke themselves out there.
Because, even if the matchmaker could be fixed, it is void if desertion can still be a thing.
Of course, it would be a bit… weird, in a way, if main mode to earn experience and other stuff was custom battles, but how else do You plan to solve the issue?

P.S. @Comunistinha You still see axis dominating in Moscow? I have to admit, I had 1 battle before it, with a 50+% booster (guess what, it was conquest, collective farm. Yes, axis won, but there were at least soviet taken points at times).


3 marshals with less than 20kills…


Certainly not newbies, but may aswell be

both teams seem to have enough engaged and reasonable players. your enemies likely played in a stack. happens, but will be less common under the new BR system, since 4 stacks wont come anymore with OP equipment.

The issue in my eyes is as simple as it gets:
Even if you HAVE some real players in your team. Let’s say 5. Most players will choose a tank or an airplane. They impact on the game mode mission such as capping is nearly none.

I very much understand your problem here.
I have seen this many times, enemy team is much more experienced and has better equipment, some players desert to get into a new battle (in case of Moscow or Stalingrad, a battle with many bots on enemy side since players are already busy). One thing that also isnt talked about that these players are usually console players.
The result is always the same, more players leave and you end up getting seal clubbed.
Even if you carry your team (build rally, destroy enemy rally, clear objective) you will still most likely lose, becuase there is at least one objective AI cant survive in.
sadly I dont have a screen shot, but in Stalingrad I had a match where Axis attacked train station and advance along Communist street, we lost at the corner shop because AI couldnt get in. I carried the team, had 12000 points while 2nd best had 3000.
This kind of stuff is basically taboo and doesnt get talked about.
people who been playing the game for sometime simply accept that some campaigns are unplayable and stick to campaigns they can farm wins in (Axis Pacific, Tunisia Allies, Axis Berlin)
Axis Tunisia is the worst of all of it, facing Allied full stacks with 2 or 3 players who the community deems madmen.

The merge is an attempt to fix this issue.
It wont be perfect and much will be sacrificed (less HA, BR based equipment, cant select theater of war) but it is a necessary change.

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this will continue after the merge

merge will do nothing to stop this from happening


stomping will still happen, but not like in Tunisia or Pacific where at least half of the team is bots

Just another day in Moscow

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I love how you are a part of the problem and you are proud of it :rofl:

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Its been a while since I last saw a Moscow complain thread besides Pacific Axis and Tunisia Allies bot farm being a thing too.

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Moscow became empty since everyone is grinding for the late war stuff before the merge.
What a great campaign it was though.

moscow is a unbalanced mess why would you ever play that

Not really as this is one of those maps in moscow where the equipment disparity really makes a massive differency.

I recently finished Soviet campaign in Moscow, and only now I see how much the Axis is broken.

Soviets have better:

  • tanks (T-50, T-34)
  • submachine guns (PPD)
  • sniper rifles (sniper SVT + sniper AVS vs payable sniper Gewehr 41)
  • better planes for beginners (Il-2)

Axis has only better machine guns (MG 34) and maybe some planes.

we can talk about all the reasons why particular campaign or side sucks and why players all flock to one side, but there is one main reason for roflstomps (besides bots and console player and all other reasons).

average skill level of enlisted player is dogshit. i played CS on high skill level competitively some 15-20 years ago. now i have maybe 20%-30% of my skill level of those days and still end up top1 over 90% of the time. ffs i should be average or slightly above average player, but somehow i am top non stop.

some player are worse than bots, other slightly better players (than bots) dont know how to play for objective, they dont know how to build rally points etc.
so if you ever encounter 2-3 players that have above average skill it usually ends up in roflstomp.

players need to be educated through mandatory tutorials about importance of rally points and there should also be some official deathmatch mode or gun game where players could learn how to aim with infantry weapons.



That’s, like, the game

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nah… game is bot shooting gallery… people are not used to shooting actual players…

There’s lone fighters…

And I’m thankful for that.

It’s the earliest war campaign, I wanted to start with the earliest, and basically it became the main one. With most time invested there, I’m a bit reluctant to go to other ones.

I suppose.
But at least it wouldn’t be so demoralizing for the losing team’s players to be crushed utterly, and at least achieve, even if highly limited, success.
Generally, the best invasion battles are those where the attacker manages to reach the last point, but with little resources remaining, it still remains a challenge to win.

With addition of T-34s, axis have rather few ways to counter them. Heck, even T-50s are problematic.

With how broken the recoil is on MGs still, that’s not really a thing that evens the odds.

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