"Replacement" tanks to balance vehicles in battle

also my reason why I do actually pick puma in Br2 - every BR2 and BR3 always dies with one shot to KV1 anyways, so having paper armor doesnt hurt anyways.

Oh yeah, it’s amazing. whats next? If an infantry squad gets outgunned b/c they bought shitty weapons to high BR, are they gonna be able to call in a supply crate that gives them free BR5 guns?


Why is this even about “seal clubbers”? I do play Br1 quite often, and I do consider myself a pretty unfair enemy to have - however I play BR1 because I am a little Kar 98 and Panzer III J fanboy.

just love the larping… dont judge me


casemates are fun and decently effective, main issue is none of them have a cupola to actually be able to see out of

Yes, exactly for the reason I have just described. To play BR1 for them means to put yourself in unnecessary disadvantage.

But this disadvantage is being reduced with this feature. You can bet you’ll see way more BR1 seal clubbers once this going to be implemented.

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I don’t, I think the same as you. I love using t60 or pz2.

It’s just Adam not knowing what seal clubbing means.

I like doing so… I like br1 early war stuff. It’s not “unnecessary disadvantage”, to me it’s “fun”…

We also don’t know what br2 vehicles will be supplied. Imagine if they’re the weakest br2 vehicles of each factions!

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The t60 player cant do anything for downtiered panzer 4js

I mean, would you rather your team mates are in a Tiger or a pz2? I know what I’d pick at least.

Im there for my trendy bi planes and bad tanks fix :wink:


T60 and pz2 are the way

And flakpz1 and milk truck.

Milk makes bones STRONK


He shouldn’t be in the Panzer II to begin with. It’s his fault for bringing the Panzer II to BR5 due to his poor selection of firearms as well as the game developer’s failure to add a proper -/+ 1 matchmaking mechanic

Eh I think its a bit overrated personally, If only for the fact if you downtier in a puma, AT rifles will chew you apart even at range, let alone M2’s and co

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Im quite partial to the m14/42, semovente, hurricane 40mm and LVTA


Dudes that are having skill issues and are failing at higher BRs use their knowledge of the game and minmaxed equipment for farming newbies at low BRs.

In truth my Semovente I pick when I MUST face a hard opponent. It’s a great (br1) tank hunter.

Without HEAT like ut used to have thought… it sucks vs infantry :pensive:

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Again, like you said, those dudes min max. They’re at br2. Never, ever br1.

They cycle pz3N. Spam pps42.

They don’t larp with funny bolty lineups.


He shouldnt, but that isnt an answer to the question I asked, I merely asked if youd rather they be using a slightly more BR appropriate tank or using some BR1 clown car.

Like of course Im picking the former, this isnt a solution to players stupidity, I see plenty enough of that as is, if this patchwork solution will alleviate the issue, I’m all for it.

They are getting a stock BR4 or BR2 TT vehicle, that isnt exactly the end of the world. They arent handing out rare even prizes, they arent completely nullifying your grinding.

Why no t28e spam? Its really good


Potentially one of free tanks for anyone who’s going to play BR1 line up.

I am surprised you still do not see the issue.

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The only thing to do is…