"Replacement" tanks to balance vehicles in battle

With the introduction of the “soft” rule for the matchmaker that forms teams from two adjacent Battle Ratings when there are enough players, the balance between players has noticeably improved.

Nevertheless, matches with BR I-III and BR III-V still sometimes occur to this day, which means there’s a chance that a player might encounter an enemy tank with two BR higher than their own. The BR difference has a much larger impact on tanks than on firearms, so in the next major update, we are introducing a new mechanic designed to alleviate this problem!

Tanker squads of BR I in battles I-III and BR III in battles III-V, who find themselves in a fight against the most formidable opponents in terms of BR, will be able to spawn in a “replacement” tank supplied by command when clicking on the additional spawn point located next to the standard one!


You don’t have to buy or even unlock them! These are combat vehicles that you can spawn with in a battle under the following conditions - if the enemy has a tank on the battlefield with the maximum possible BR of that session, and yours is at least two BR lower.

In a BR I-III battle, if you only have a BR I tank, after an opponent spawns with a BR III tank, you will have the opportunity to switch to a BR II tank instead of your own. Same for BR III-V, if your opponent uses a BR V tank and your tank is at least 2 BR lower, you will have access to a BR IV tank.

If the enemy’s higher BR tank is destroyed before you spawn in battle, this additional tank spawn point will disappear.

It’s important to note that these tanks won’t have any upgrades. Even if you already have the same tanks purchased and upgraded in your hangar, their upgrades will not transfer to the replacements.

Your selected tankers will act as the temporary crew of the new tank. If your squad consists of more soldiers than the tank’s maximum crew size, some of your soldiers will have to stay behind. If less than that, no new tankers will be added to to your squad to fill the missing roles.


Can we have list of the available tanks? Also really good way to balance tank gameplay. No more t60s in berlin


This is a surprisingly balanced and very player friendly especially beginner friendly change.
I am all for protecting new players so I find this a very welcome addition. I have never expected to see a mechanic like this in a free to play game.


give us italian uniforms and 100rnd german LMGs plz


this is really interesting.

and i think if the schematics would be shared for modders, they could improve and get their own solutions as well over mods.

( because you know. equipment limitator was discontinued / scrapped / etc )

as for it goes for the base game;

less good.

but i can see it would have been a nightmare to keep track of the owner vehicle etc.


Sounds like a few steps away from being able to change your tank ingames aswell. Adapt to the situation :thinking: (make use of the many vehicles in each BR)

Nice! Bit yeah Hard BR lock would be nice


This is nice.

I wonder if this it can be implemented with infantry in mods.



im going to be honest with you chief, this sounds like a bandaid solution to a flawed matchmaking system


Kudos for the pro-balance move.

More kudos for it being an optional choice.


they really be adding anything but

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Will this apply to planes as well, or will you still see P-51D and F6F FP-5 at BR 1 with only a bi-plane?

Interesting idea, good one, but there is a chance for it to be exploited, not that it would matter, but br3 players getting panters etc, wouldn’t it kinda be unfair. They have taken the risk to come egainst high br players. But to be fair, br1 players would get br2 tanks as well. Are they competive to br3 tanks though? I have a mixed feeling. It could be good or bad

Bandaid but nice, I guess?

How about removing BR 3-5 and especially 1-3 in general?


interesting mechanic - doesnt change the fact that BR1 tanks are almost as poor against KV1 as BR2 tanks.


This is certainly an…interesting development. I don’t think giving a handicap like this is the way to go, but it won’t really affect me in the slightest so whatever I guess. Just gives me more tanks to blow up when playing III I suppose. Lol
I’d have preferred letting new players get good and earn their way through either time or skill if not both, but that’s just me. Should be a interesting outcome

that being said, Stug III F needs to move to BR2

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Kinda what my problem is too, doesn’t really change much for low br players, but perhaps it may do good; or not much at all

When my opponent has a rank 3 tank and I only have a rank 2 tank, is it possible for me to change my rank 2 tank into a rank 3 tank and spawn it?

I am seriously wondering what exact vehicles might even be such replacement…

Doesn’t look like it, your tank rank need to be 2 lower for it to kick in