"Replacement" tanks to balance vehicles in battle

na guess only if you are 2 BRs behind.

Explain this like I’m retarded (Because I am) please!


True, could be random . But most br2 tanks in arent worth it. Dunno

if you only have Panzer III J and enemy gets KV1 - you can spawn in Panzer III J1

which doesn’t change much

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I am against this update. It is an abuse, and it deprives the meaning of unlock tanks. Moreover, we rarely see tanks that are outside the meta, and now we won’t at all. This update is cringe. I really want to delete the game after reading it. No one ever asked for this, stop turning the game into War Thunder.


Best german br2 tank is either the puma or the panzer3j1. Puma need specialized playstyle. And the panzer3j1 is not good egainst the kv1 at all

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Warthunder? Warthunder doesn’t do something like it


You can at least clap it through the driver port then
So long as I’m not forced to use it (sometimes I like to bring the flame tanks or T-60 for IFV work) this is a good addition

Developers can add more Anti-Tank weapons on map, like in Pacific. But no, this is the game about tanks right? Nobody what’s to add AT, add more tanks!!! Horrible…


finally a good method to balance matchmaking out.
3-5 more improvements like these and matches will be very nicely balanced

This is great for the beginners, not sure I’d notice, I play BR4 mainly and have tanks to match that, but I guess it empowers BR3 players and stops them getting to uptiered.

That being said the Soviet TDs are too high BR, Axis are lower, Dicker Max is lowest, please can Su85 be moved to BR3, Stug F too.

It works only if you have I (in I-III) or III (in III - V) BR tanks

Tanks is one aspect of entlisted, one. And they currently try to balance it out. And br1-2 anti tank stuff kinda lacks the power to pen a br3 tank very often

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Panzer IV and Stug already have a massive disadvantage against KV1, because KV1 will one hit kill everything every time because of its massive post pen damage, Panzer IV and Stug need to hit usually multiple times - unless you get lucky with its ammo rack .

I stopped playing German BR2 - my favourite BR - because 5cm L60 is not reliable enough to fight back, that why I keep saying Stug III F should move to BR2 - it would still be trash and suck in infantry support, but has a chance to take out Soviet BR3 heavy armor.

A good step in the right direction, any change that helps alleviate frustration to newer players is a good one.

Stug g should have an mg and not be premium :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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I know, not the top at the moment

If an enemy is using a big tonk, 2 BR higher than your BR level, you get a big Tonk to for free, until him is alive

To be fair; good update for new players,

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Speaking of tanks, we urgently need

  1. biome/map based automated camo change
  2. turret numbers and faction insignia (where applicable, fixed sizes and locations, hard-coded on vehicles)

Explained in pictures:

Instead of this (current Enlisted situation when I buy a white camo for my Pz IV)

We need this (automated camo, turret number, faction insignia (balkenkreuz):