Make a permanent difference of +/- 1 BR

You just need to make a difference of +/- 1 BR and no such solutions will be useful.

And if you keep playing 1-3 BR and 3-5 Br?
Then you need to introduce an “additional” aircraft and an “additional” infantry detachment.

Therefore, a cruel rule in the form of +/- 1 BR is a necessity.

P.S: If anything, the text has been translated using a translator. I think the essence of the offer is clear to you.


I mean yeah, I think there is enough players for it, its an easier system for newer players to understand and it would just make a lot of people happy.

Or if the devs refuse, could we at least get solid evidence that the playerbase cant support it.

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No. BR III is beautiful and you will not get your grubby little hands on my Enlisted

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We already have the soft rule on the match making. If you get 1-3 BR or 3-5 Br it is literally the evidence that there is not enough player.

I get those BR 1-3 matches after queuing for less than a second, I think a little soft timer on the queueing clock would be nice before your thrown into those matches.

Or that the rule doesn’t work

That means the matchmaker can’t find anyone else so they put you into that match. Other people on that match may already wait for some time.

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Or you could just learn how to shoot the enemy. III is in this wonderful spot where I-II can deal with it easily enough. You really gotta put in the work and effort to be able to compete with V though, and that’s what makes III-V fun. It’s a challenge. A hectic, chaotic challenge with bullets whizzing everywhere and explosions going off left and right. All you got’s “mid tier” guns, whatever the frick that’s supposed to mean, and you gotta fight your way through hordes of IV-V sweat lords to win. It is the best that Enlisted has to offer in terms of a challenge and a circumstance I thrive in
I just really miss the chaos of Pre Merge

Plus you guys really need to understand that BOTH teams are I-III or III-V. You almost certainly have at least one III or V player on your team who can do to the enemy exactly what the enemy is doing to you. That player just needs to man up and start doing his job
And I’m pretty sure III is supposed to be the smallest population. Only having 1 or 2 per team in a match while everyone else is I-II or IV-V. At least till the soft rule came into play, which honestly I don’t mind. The game’s still random and fun for me, so I say just leave it as is. Sometimes you get a full II, full III or full V match. Sometimes you’re in the mix. Works just fine for me

Mate, I got 4k hours in WT, ground to top tier without premium, ive got the weakspot shooting down, dont worry about that lmao.

My problem with facing BR 3 and BR1 is, if its a new nation ive started grinding, the closest thing ive got to AT is an explosive pack, if a KV-1 just sits in the grey zone, there is no amount skill or anything that will let me overcome that, And I have had that happen to me, it sucks major fucking balls.

Not even gonna touch on the “let them eat cake” tone of the comment.

But are you going to tell me with a straight face, you dont know how utterly braindead your teammates can be? Ive had BR3 matches while im at BR1, no friendly tank is spawned in, and only in the last seconds of the match do I see out BR3 finally get in a tank only for tickets to dry up as is. Only to see they have placed about 7th on the team.

Like I dont mind BR3 to BR5. but in no world should a BR1 new player face against a BR3 sweat lord.

And as is it prioritizes that BR I be only with I and some II’s
And, new players need education. Tell them about the glorious creation called a plane and bombs. It helps with those KV-1’s. I should know, I got bombed and shot by Pz IV’s multiple times over the past week in mine

you you, there had ought to be a better method of getting players to try planes over tanks, since it is an or option for most. Offer bonuses to plane tank kills, etc etc

Well, I’m an infantry gamer myself. I usually only have a plane specifically for taking out gray zone tanks. Boots on the ground is where I belong though. Infantry win battles

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Combined arms master race here. Each has their place on the battlefield, except mortar squads, fuck mortar squads, may as well be griefing with those.

While not my style of gameplay, I have had my fun with mortar squads before. On the right map with enough knowledge, you can REALLY wreck an enemy team and prevent most of them from ever getting close to objective in the first place. Takes a lot of map knowledge, a good vantage point, or a friend to help out though

unironically had a team using 5 mortar teams at once, I think they got about 3 kills combined, all while sitting back, not attacking the objective

Lol. RIP my guy. Least Snipers can average 10 kills per

Snipers can hard carry at BR1-BR2 if im being honest, a good sniper at least. If you take large ammo belts as well, thats 5 round of hate you can fire down range accurately, even on average thats 20 kills, ill never get how some people get more squad deaths than individual kills.

Is mystery, that’s for certain

Br III is fun, and not bad, but I have to agree it having BR V with BR III people is unbalanced. I think it’s pretty reasonable to want +/- br matchmaking, or I-II, III-IV, and V.

It’s really not that hard to compete with V’s as a III