I’m not saying it’s impossible to compete with BR V people, it’s still possible to do well, I’m saying it is pretty unbalanced. You can still do well with skill even if low BR.
your obsession with BR3 is weird - but I can understand where you are coming from…
I miss Pre Merge chaos…
uh… depends on the nation I would say tho…
Somehow BR III Japan is actually easier than BR III Soviets in my experience.
If you can do well with a little bit of skill then it’s not unbalanced. You get access to long 75’s, 76’s, Semi Auto’s, some really good SMG’s, almost the best LMG’s if not arguably the best (love muh BAR), and well planes are planes
There’s nothing about III that holds it back from being on par with V except 100 round LMG’s, heavier slower tanks, and full auto rifles. That’s it. Other than that, they’re quite similar
Yeah it does depend. III and V Allies has little to no difference in my opinion. Ups n downs
well Soviet infantry has great small arms at BR3, its just that their tank doom guns lack enough pen to fight in BR4. However, at least they have Panzerfaust 60…
I’d consider M1 Garand vs FG42 or M1 Thompson vs STG44 objectively unbalanced.
You can still do well with worse stuff but that doesn’t automatically make it balanced.
well with the new bazooka buff, BR3 US is indeed very versatile now. M1 Garands arent the best guns in the world, but good enough to carry the team AND do some fun larping.
I think that’s just because Germany players are more competent than US players from what I’ve seen
I havent been into a III-V game yet, but from the I-III the only problem i have is that as a BR I, the BR III tanks and planes are a bit OP when you dont have a Panzerfaust or a Bazooka around, and on the other hand BR I tanks are junk vs BR III players … yet people keep using them, like trying to fight a KV-1 with a Pz II and bleed tickets like no tomorrow.
What would be nice is to reduce the ticketloss when you are the underdog. Like -12 ticket for losing a BR III squad , -10 for a BR II and -8 for a BR I, so when the lower BR cannonfodders die its less harm for the team.
And I consider it negligible, or at least a fun little challenge. Been doing it since I started playing and I ain’t gonna stop dominating them filthy V’s now!
I’m Unclaimed’s polar opposite I exist solely for putting 500lb bombs on foreheads
I do that too, but much more rarely