"Replacement" tanks to balance vehicles in battle

I didn’t know soldiers needed mommy to coddle them

Gotta admit…BR hardlock would have been way better (IMO i should say)


What if some guys exploit the system and skip actually trying to research tanks,

But this is only for those who have an entry-level or third-level tank

Didnt know we were soldiers now? And you still didnt answer the question? I mean like it is common sense that its better for your teammates to have better equipment right? Im not weird for thinking this is a win win thing?

I’m surprised by your selective reading:

Your arguments are moot. So what if a weak all br1 lineup, gets to use a bit better tank once in a while, only if there’s an already much stronger enemy on the field let’s not forget!

Guy will still have poop br 1 lineup. A single tank spawned ONLY when an enemy br 2+ is IN PLAY won’t make a br1 user into a “seal clubber” :laughing:


Oh completely, but we gotta work with what we get


ok ok Let’s say I roll in with my tier 1 flamethrower tank, torching enemies . But then I spot an enemy tier 3 Panzer IV. No problem…I’ll just swap tanks and take him out

You’re not entitled to a shiny new ride just 'cuz you can’t figure what BR rating your firearm is

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In that case, this feature would be completely meaningless, as they still wouldn’t stand up against BR3 tanks.

In that case, the whole thing would be completely irrelevant. And it wouldn’t really help anyone.

There’s just the wrong outcome here. I don’t see any positive factor at all.

And sorry, I completely overlooked you have made this point. Not intentionally. I woke up like 15 minutes back.


Yeah the “free tank” you can only get when there would be a BR3 on the field, ie either a KV-1/T-34 or a Sherman. Call me crazy for thinking thats not too insane.

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Of course, I also would prefer br +/-0 or br +/-1 at minimum…

I’m just saying if that is truly impossible for devs… it’s something at least?


well it will be meaningless against germans on BR5 anyway unless they provide achilles, t-34-100 or KV-2(can it even kill KT?).

also there is always option of special tanks for that BR made to counter BR2/BR5

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I think it’s just unnecessary nonsense. This whole feature should be scraped. It makes the game artificially complex and confusing for no real benefit.


ja ja


Yes! :smile:

It’s rng… but tank top is key!


Its certainly not shiny as its as stock as can be, its also not a new ride, its about as close to a free test drive as they will get.

Now can you answer the original question if at all possible. Would you rather a pz2 on your team, or a pz4 H, take your time if you must

it could be a demo for some premium BR2/BR4 tanks. if i was in their marketing i would make it rng mechanic so you could have some low chance of getting premium tanks.


Personally, if he was stuck with the Panzer II then he’d get blown up and realizes that he can’t use the Panzer II in BR5, instead of camping in the grey zone shelling people with his unearned Panzer IV or Panther

Yeah, I agree with that. That’s a good idea. If players could try out a tanks that can’t be obtained through classic f2p tech tree progress.