"Replacement" tanks to balance vehicles in battle

Depends on what tanks we’re speaking of…

Maybe @MajorMcDonalds doesn’t know himself?

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or maybe he arent allow to say it yet, but the wording imply that you can choose

guess we gotta wait and see

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Is the tank would be the last of the tier or the first of the tier?

This feels like an overly complicated solution to a simple problem (just do +/-1 BR matchmaking)


What’s the point of this? All this does is coddle new players who uptiered themselves due to them equipping the wrong firearms. If you bring a Stuart or Crusader into BR5 Normandy then you deserve whatever maelstrom of enemy fire is sent towards you. I didn’t know soldiers needed mommy to give them milk bottles when the going gets tough.


Is it a shooter or a tank simulator? Stop reward tankers with special spam mechanics, they just don’t deserve it.


restrict br 1 tanks to enter in br v battles


This feature is beneficial to seal clubbers.

Seal clubber won’t have any reason to fear to play BR1? Why? Since if he’s going to end up in match against BR3, he still going to have his nearly meta tanks thanks to this feature.

This feature is literally made to make more comfortable to play lower BRs for everyone. Which is ultra cancer.

And it leads to one thing, tank slots are going to be more conquested. Since everyone will be able to have nearly meta tank.

Rip BR1 and BR2 tanks, you are screwed up.


There the flametrower tank that can deal a lot of damaged if nobody throw tnt pack

I had to grind for that Tiger II but now some BR1 schmuck gets a free Tiger or Panther just 'cuz he’s using a Panzer II in BR5


most of guys have at launcher in br v matches ,so these tanks are nothing but a free kill

agreed for first part, not so much about second part. kv1 has 75mm armor and j1 and puma can pen 101mm at 0° angle or 78mm at 30° angle at 100m.

btw there is always option of devs using premium/event vehicles. it would be good marketing material to sell some tanks like achilles, t-34-100(if it ever gets to sale), kv-2.

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same dude, i remember when i cant spawn my panther bccoz my dumb team has 2 pzII … tier1-2 tanks should not be in br v matches

Or maybe the aforementioned T60 player should be more careful with his firearm selection so he doesn’t get uptiered in the first place

maps like bulge,rzhev,normandy and moscow promotes tank spawn camping

Correct. I have every tank for Germany and Japan as well BR4 tanks for USA/USSR so for a guy like me, it’s completely meaningless and redundant

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so if i take tier 1 or 3 tank intentionally in br v battle, can i get chance to replace my tank ?

And I turn them off asap when the developers add a map filter.


was nice before sawmill and quarry maps. they sux


I do pen KV1 quite often, but the difference here is hitting him 5 times in a row to take him out and hoping he doesnt fire back isn’t a fair fight.

Back when Stalingrad first dropped, the KV1 had 75 mm of armor and got killed fast, then they nerfed 7.5 heat, massively buffed KV1 survivability and now its pretty much a Tiger tank, just with less pen but still more post pen damage.

Eh, don’t exaggerate. Real seal clubbers, DON’T play br1. They use br2.

Can’t seal club if you have the same weaponry as the proverbial seal, that would make you a seal as well.

Plus… strict br1 only lineup are rather rare even for newcomers, because of how quickly br2 stuff gets unlocked in one branch or another.

Those only playing strict br1, are doing so for a challenge, or larp as a certain faction, or like me they missed using meme vehicles like t60.