"Replacement" tanks to balance vehicles in battle

that exist since beta or something iirc

I mean to be fair - it is absolutely true that BR issues are mostly created by tanks - because of this “no middle ground gameplay, either a tank is immortal or pops like a balloon”

The devs absolutely analyzed this correctly, I just doubt this new mechanic will change much…

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With current maps? At such close engagement distance? Eh I wouldn’t be so sure. Even with death star guns, turret less tds in Enlisted are very disadvantaged…

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this make happy my bazookas. too bad that my AT dies always as first

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It’s somewhat useful for low BR, but not useful for high BR at all.
Such a humorous tank BR makes any BR 4 tank pose no threat to the BR 5 Tiger King H

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The footage is from a video released a year ago.

It is just a unfinished left over stuff.


Just change the mm to br 1-2,3-4 and 5 alone
Instead of all this BS coping mechanisms.

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The problem is that the Darkflow doesn’t want to send equivalent vehicles to the allied forces at all. Just look at the BR classification in War Thunder. You don’t have many tanks that the allied countries should fight against Tiger King H in the enlisted.

Agreed, it’s better than nothing but won’t help infantry (vast majority of players in a match) at all

I hope so to completely invalidate US and USSR end game tanks
Germany would truly suffer with the US getting the Super Pershing!!


I’m amazed at how easily they make a decision that’s even more stupid than the last…

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Bruh, the last like 5 updates have had a vehicle focus, at least in terms of content and items added.

DF trying to not just port over a bunch of WT content challenge: impossible

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It’s not a terrible idea, but I’d still prefer a more linear system to the BR rating now that the player base has grown.


But I guess we’re not quite there with the player numbers for that to happen yet.


if its only because of player numbers, then we should 100% focus on getting more players - rather than adding more and more little mechanics that make the game weird and complicated.


There are a number more dev blogs to come before the update on all aspects of the game - it’s just a coincidence that many of the recent ones relate to tanks (but of course still deliberate, tanks are still a big part of the game for many).

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Do you know if that new system will allow the player TO CHOOSE a higher br vehicle among many choices,

Or will it be a set vehicle for each factions?

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I really do hate this feature. It’s quite obviously target to people who did not have supported the game financially. And it does nothing for veteran.

I am basically robbed of option solely because I’ve been playing the game for longer period of time than someone else.

Such people shouldn’t be blocking my tank slots…


This mechanic in this dev blog is entirely optional. Players do not need to make use of it if they don’t want to, and can continue to not spawn a tank should they wish. It’s not designed only for veterans, unless you’re playing BR 3 or BR 1 by choice (then, it does help you like every other player).

It also only helps you go to one BR higher, NOT to “match” the BR of the BR 3 or 5 tank exactly and “skip the grind”.

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What do you mean?

I dislike seal clubbing and I thought you said you hated it too.

If my opponents are better armed to face me, even by a little, it will make battles more interesting…


hmm idk man atleast if they are german they now got a chance against jumbo and stuff if they havent unlock tiger 1 or panther

as for other 3 faction idk