Reinforcements received: Tunisian paratroopers

Cope lol

4 magics planes spawn 500m above objective and drop 24 clones with 100 mag thompson.

Literally just watch quadro’s record breaking shortest game.
Hmmm, i wonder how he did that?

4 stack with paratrooper spam

It’s amazing how you people can come and say any bullshit with all confidence in the world,
because hey, bolt action rifle can kill you in one shot hehe, all is balanced just skill issue.


4 stack with flamethrowers/assaulter/granade spammer… would do the same, paratroopers are not OP, if 10 avarange player spam them they only get their point conquested or ticket bleed instantly

Paratroopers plane need some adjustment in flight time and be visible during the approuch to the battlefield, but anything than that would be only an injust nerf

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You fail to understand that Quadro’s would have demolished the enemy team anyway.

You really think Kar98k would withstand a wave of 36 M2 Carbines?

His video is a garbo example to use as an argument anyway. It’s not that you see this happen regularly, do you?

Quadro’s video was an example of how you can abuse a certain mechanic in a four-stack. A 4-stack can do a lot of nasty things, for example run double-flamer squads and ruin the fun for everyone else involved.

As as I said earlier, some tweaks are necessary, however.

And I also want to point out that paratroopers as a class is not OP per definition. But I think it was silly move to put 100 drum mag tommys on that premium for example. I would rather see the Pacific paratrooper loadout. Weaker primary weapon to jump with, stronger things in supply box.

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The allied Paratrooper in Normandy are just broken they drop down combat ready with 100 round weapons while all other factions don’t even have that luxury.

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The point was how fast they steamrolled, which higlight main issue of paratroopers.

Dropping on point with plane that spawn above battle and is only for few second a target, yet have no enemy markers.
No need for rally, enemy rally hunting only helps para as there are less people on point.

Paras are not 100% broken, they just highlight many issues this game had but were not so noticable. Plus FOMO format in which hey are released and premium squads with best weapons just to sprinkle on top.

How are You surprised people call this shit out

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Main point of any para argument, and good start for making them balanced in game.

We are kinda near a merge, where supposedly we will finally have full human teams matchmaked by weapons. We will see how it plays with 4-stacks when all teams will be full anyway.

Main issue comes again - spawn anywhere with little to no time for enemy to react.

Cap one point, next one is available instantly. We already had games with steamrolls so hard there are people on next cap when current is not yet capped. This should be fixed by timeout like on confrontation.

Cue paras, 4 squads of 9 man dropping on point and cap it in 5 seconds.
Defenders are still falling back, cap zones are so massaive on pacific there is no hope finding all enemies on point before they cap it.

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You can ask shiv,EdVanSchleck,farlon how 10vs10 with endgame weaponry is already now, they can give you the perfect summary how is a cancer and paratroopers are totally useless because they get killed in air if they try to land on the cap

And again this because the “plane” need be adjusted but the squad is fine

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Already played plenty of 10v10 endgame matches to know what cancer it already is. It’s just meatgrinder with constant screen shake.

Kinda, but
-100 round tommy and constant powercreep of premium squads in not fine.
-f2p m1a1 carabine being still contrained by psychological issues of soldiers that not allow them to fire fast (yet gun with full-auto mode have psychological benefits of allowing them to fire faster) is not fie


Be ready for premiums avt40 with large magazines!


(I said nothing :zipper_mouth_face:)

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Be ready for volks stg

Opsie… :speak_no_evil:

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They already can have Fg42 II, but at least they lose backpack for it

Wait soviet paratroopers… :speak_no_evil: and i dont go tell anyone about this, its a surprise

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I think they are another premiums. They only have five soldiers and only the Germans look like paras.

I know i have another 6 man premium pic but i dont show it

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Delusional? Deflecting people’s attention elsewhere? Or just shilling? :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


First: Paratroopers spawning on the objective before the defenders have a chance to fallback.

Second (1 of 2): Same story

Part 2 of 2:

Fourth: How about paratroopers magically spawning ontop of you? FaNtAsYlAnD nonsense.

Fifth: Spawning on the objective, ahead of the defending team.

Sixth: How about landing near the opposing team’s greyzone? Where the paratroopers instantaneously destroy rally points and cut off the opposing team’s reinforcement routes.

Seventh: How about landing ontop of barns/roofs like they are Special Ops?

Eighth: Or how about when it’s a really close game, and your team wins ONLY because a squad of magical paratroopers appear from the sky, and lands directly ontop of the enemy as they are distracted by ground-infantry units/armored units, and defending doorways/choke points? (And also they can’t hear the magic paratrooper plane, due to non-stop explosions and gunfire.

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So ppl who don’t agree with you about paratroopers are delusional or shilling?

How? And why?

And can you please stop posting those videos over and over again? FFS, don’t you think ppl in here play the game or what?

People can think whatever they want. However, there are the whales and people who primarily play in stacks, who are entirely ruining the game for everybody else (by exploiting paratroopers and vehicle cycling). Anytime someone challenges the META units within the game, and provide evidence/examples that demonstrate how a specific unit is being exploited… it’s always the same people within the forum who defend the META tooth-nail-and-claw.

“Oh there’s nothing wrong with the Paratroopers”
“They aren’t OP”
“They aren’t fantasy”
“They can be easily killed if you’re not dumb”
“Their guns aren’t that good”
“Any other squad can do what the paratroopers can do”

yadda yadda yadda…

Opinions and facts are two different things. And I have literally provided video samples demonstrating how exactly the paratroopers are ruining/exploiting gameplay.

But it seems another deflection tactic is to NOT provide a logical counter argument, but to insult the quality of my videos and/or getting on my case for resharing samples from a few months ago. The problems are the same, and have only amplified as players are getting access to more-and-more squads of paratroopers to add to their squad rotation.


Paratroopers aren’t OP. Especially Pacific ones and German event one.

But currently quite few of them has OP weapons. But I don’t think it will be such a problem after merge.

I don’t even use paras while defending. They’re pure attacker class. I do have plenty of better squads for defense.


True. Defending paratroopers aren’t as much of an issue (in the context of endlessly spawning from the sky).
But attacking paratroopers (especially with stacks), is a major disruption to match quality.
My favorite Normandy matches are the ones where nobodys using paratroopers.

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Yeah, paras in Normandy can be very cancerous. But you shouldn’t judge who class based on them. Normandy paras do have very strong weapons and that’s what I think the main issue. It’s even more sad they’re premium.
I understand lot of people can get grudges against them pretty easily.

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