Reinforcements received: Tunisian paratroopers

But it DOES make it good business.

Except you never said that. You said it was a good IDEA, which it isn’t. Good business yes, good idea no.

Do you think Darkflow is a charity

Never said that, and this statement bares no correlation to our conversation at all.

Besides your argument was based on it being stupid.

Which it is.

As if only morons would do it.

I have no idea what you are referring to here. Morons do what? Good business? Good ideas? What do Morons do, you never said.

Argument from incredulity - Wikipedia

Ah I see, so me saying your view is false because it contradicts my beliefs is bad, but my view being false because it contradicts your beliefs is totally fine and not at all the same thing. If you want a Wikipedia link, here’s one for you: Hypocrisy - Wikipedia

Appeal to Extremes (

I see, you don’t actually have a point so you have to get websites to argue for you. I do love how at first you went with trusted websites like Wikipedia, but then when you realised things didn’t fit your argument appropriately, you had to go to random sketchy websites to seem smart. Seeing as you like links so much, here’s another for you: Hyperbole Definition & Meaning |

we have seen nothing indicating it will or will not.

We are living on the same planet right? The planet where Darkflow announced the only way to get these squads would be to pay or to participate in the limited-time events? Everything we’ve seen points to “will not”.

“Every game has that.”

Here’s 4 Multiplayer Games that I can think of in 5 seconds that didn’t have any Limited Time content, that I can remember:
-Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2009).
-Star Wars Battlefront II (2005).
-Ready or Not (2021).
-Halo 3 (2007) (non MC-Edition).

Do you notice how they’re all good games, all good games adored by their respective communities? The lack of shoving limited-time events down players’ throats probably helped.

Besides this is a FREE game. FREE. Furthermore, the content on offer is also FREE.

I am aware, which is why they do ridiculous amounts of monetisation already. There’s no way any of the squads they are charging $30 for should be $30, more like $5… but that’s a different topic which does relate to monetization, unlike this one.

You are essentially asking it to be MORE free.

No, I never asked for that. I asked for the Limited-Time events to not be separated in to mini-timed events but just be one big timed event. DarkFlow would lose nothing by this; they still keep the limited time events, but players get a little bit more freedom surrounding the event.

The real argument to make is to have events in the future that gives the opportunity to earn these things again. That’s a win win for everyone.

Well no, the real argument would be for them to stop doing these in the first place, that’d be a true win-win for everyone. This isn’t a practice which should be supported, it’s toxic and manipulative of their own players… this isn’t something you should be rooting for.

Seeing as you like links so much, here’s a couple bonus ones for you:
Product design and psychology: The Exploitation of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) in Video Game Design | by Milijana Komad | Medium.

Anyways, I’m done with this conversation. At this point, you’re just making up an argument as you go along just so you have something to fight against. Nothing you are saying is having any correlation to what I’m saying at all, so there’s no point even trying to hold a proper conversation.

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Iirc the devs said that paras can only be obtained by events or premium.

Like two out of 6, soon 8 (and one of them is a event squad).
Seems like a big issue.

Which is like one engineer and depending on setup, you might give up better weapons for mortarts.

If the enemy team is so dumb, they might deserve it.

while paratroopers are excellent, there is no point in having too many of them in rotation. simply having varied team that you equipped is better than having 3 paratroopers with non optimal weapons.

game has so many fantasy elements that giving paratrooper squad that existed plane deployment isnt even in top 10 greatest HA problems in this game. if i nitpicked it wouldnt even be in top 50.

and they fought mostly as infantry there with one jump that was far off the target (idk if they had any other jumps). also by analogy we could also argue that it was pointless to give germans paratroopers in normandy cause they didnt jump there.

More like occupied with ground forces, vehicles, and/or trying to run 200 yards to the next objective.
(Meanwhile, the paratroopers get to skip the distance, the obstacles, and the opposing team, and spawn directly onto the objective.

Part 1:

Part 2:

But I guess players are just dumb for not shooting them out of the sky when they magically appear from any direction. Sure, there are instances and opportunities to wipe a paratrooper squad before they hit the ground, but there are even more instances where the entire squad survives and single-handly turns a guaranteed loss, into a guaranteed victory. Without the fantasy paratroopers, many victories would never occur for these players.


No offense, but that’s hilarious.

Tell that to the people we see spamming them on the battlefield, once The Merge is implemented.


Most objectives are not even 100ms away from your spawn.

As attackers to prevent the attackers from draining ressources as not all players have paras. I think after someone spawned paras, I would maybe look behind a bit more often and otherwise patrol area for rallies which you usually do even without paras unless you are doing the sitting-Psycho-Parrot-tactic but usually that doesnt even requires paras to screw that tactic.

Directly would mean like defenders do but they do not unless defenders also need at least 30 seconds to spawn at their objective after their death, not to mention literally looking at their screen and waiting for their team to capture the objective.
I think defs dont.

You mean having less good advantage of spawning on objective which would require zero dead defenders to spawn on it and attackers literally waiting in respawn screen for the fall of the last objective, not getting shoot down or killed while parachuting and dont get the single engineer killed while building a rally.

I dont know where your fantasy level is but if its paratrooper, it is quite absurd at this point.


Im still waiting for those single victories in Pacific US though.

(And for fuck sacks, if you are not able to transfer records from your console to your phone, at least use a phone tripod. Looks like Kenobi).

KP31 made in heaven

It is only a matter of time now :slight_smile:

Are you certain of this? If it’s true… I can’t say I approve. I love paras, they’re fantastic, fun to use, and look nice.

But locking them behind time event or premium… I’m against releasing new mechanics not available for f2p, or at least unavailable in the future. And I’m a well known whale…

In my humble opinion anyway.

(As for those on display during this present event, both squads look so sexy… Can’t wait for more Commonwealth brothers are sharp Italian paras, been so long since new Italian things)

Is true for at least a bit of time after the merge

Oh yes, I can’t imagine devs releasing new lvls… or unlocks? I don’t think they will be called lvls anymore, so soon after such a big conversion change.

Just hoping someday those, or at least basic version of them, will be implemented in general tech tree for f2p to unlock normally.

that wasn’t the point of the discussion though.

it all came down to german paras being more prominent in 1942 instead of the italian ones.

no shit those weren’t used as airborne due to creete " performance " which lead them to no more jumps.

even less in 1944 due to allied air unquestioned supremacy.

point was that he didnt like italian paratroopers cause they didnt jump from plane, even though german paratroopers didnt jump for most of the campaigns they are available for.

Well. Df doesnt care, my friend.


I’ll just leave this last bit here.

If you keep playing the game your arguments don’t matter. You prove the fallacy of them by rewarding the behavior with continued engagement with the product.

If you leave, nobody will care. It will take many thousands of people leaving to get them to change. And it would take this being the primary reason to do so.

It may be full but only on the Allied side because the Axis side is a disaster, full of bots, it is impossible to play with the Axis.

I have tried different schedules and different servers and the result is the same.

I think its quite fitting for the Folgore to be the Tunisia Para unit. Probably one of their best choices to be honest. (Maybe not the loadout though)

Fought the ferocious rear guard in Tunisia, down to a man so the rest of the forces could evacuate.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill who, in a speech to Parliament, he recalled: “We must honour the men that were the Lions of the Folgore.”

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it’s too long to unlock, let’s do easier unlocking in the future!!!