Reinforcements received: APCs

Exactly as you say. SdKfz will be used the same way as every other glass cannons (German low BR tanks) - to quick rush and clean the objective and then die.

Easy 20- 30 kills at a cost of one squad… which does not even count as a vehicle.


Well no cause theyll be busy with German armor, literally have the numbers advantage.

Its kinda simple. One side brings 2 tanks

My side brings 6 tanks, 4 of them light that act as a spawn point.


i thought the max amount of apc was 3 was it always 4?

Yes it’s 3
But keep in mind 5 players in vehicles ( +2 with planes) is not effective at all, because it leaves you with only 3 people to actually cap/defend the objective


About amount spawned:

Do apcs use the same slot type, as motorcycles? :thinking:

motorcycle do not have slots

( were planning to, but due to the only poll ever made, players opted to not make limitations to bike )

you can theoretically spawn all 10 players with it



Ok. My new goal is to create a biker gang in match, now!!!


Great,I thought APC`s are free to obtain :(.

they are.

as long you complete the challenges.

but, you can’t miss for more for 8 days or you will miss the german sdkfz 251/9

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They really need to make it so you can get tickets for these events so we can choose what we want because not everyone can do the entire event.


small correction.

it appears that now soldiers will enter the vehicle once they spawn, and then you will have to leave it.
just like normal apcs.

( gave me the wrong impression because the first spawn, my soldiers were placed outside, but after respawning the second and third, i was located in the gunner seat. )

I have an idea for an event format.

Rather than awarding full squads with a particular “high value” weapon, reward individual soldiers (like gold order troops but event only and they come with weapon) and we put the squad together.

Personally, I feel like halftracks should be able to be obtained in the standard tech tree rather than being an event prize or premium


Same goes for paras :PP


Agreed (M3 Halftrack for the Americans when)?



It’s the thing I’m most skeptical with, before going Steam train.

Devs keep releasing fomo content. Playerbase does not like fomo in the long term. In any game.

But an entire mechanic being either fomo or locked behind a pay wall? (Paras). This won’t be received well.

A friend I wanted to introduce to Enlisted saw this and said f*** it. And I cannot blame him…


I think it makes sense for the parachute upgrade be a squad upgrade “way out at the end” of the list and make it cost 5 squad points if it needs to. Have the BR5 assault squad(or make an earlier one if balancing requires it) be “Parachute Infantry” and have them start fighting on the ground the way all the “Parachute Infantry Regiments” started back in the Normandy Campaign. Upgrade them all the way to the end and you get yourself the option to equip them with parachutes and make them Paratroopers.

It seems fairly simple to me.

…A Market Garden map would probably be pretty easy to pull off(flat+road+ditches+marsh+a few scattered farms+bridges+ a buttload of German fortifications) and it’d be sweet if they made all Allied infantry enter the field by air. That’d give Steam players a taste of how cool the paratroopers can be.

And my guess is that few people (including me) will use the Boys ATR as sniper rifle instead which could be quite fun.


Ps now that new Jap premium apc does not have a MG overheat mechanic & likely these new APCs as well can we have the premium Sov/Axis APCs also have fixed machine guns? Having 3s burst for 20sec overheat is basically completely useless feels bad to have paid for. Either remove the mechanic so the MG can be used or maybe matching current buildable MG/HMG overheat specs (ie improved overheat)


They also make great AA when playing Japan :stuck_out_tongue: