[POLL] Motorcycle squad: vehicle or infantry?

Friends, we have been carefully monitoring all of your feedback for the Tunisia Campaign. Among the many discussions therefrom, we have noticed a high level of interest in the new squad type - motorcycle machine gun squads.

Some players who have battled this squad doubt it should be used in the limited vehicle slot, and since we really want motorcycles to be interesting, we would like to explore this discussion further with the rest of the Enlisted community.

Please vote and help us to determine which type of squad the motorcycle squads (and perhaps other new unusual equipment squads in the future) should be: an infantry squad, vehicle squad, or special squad with the option to be put in both slot types.

The poll will be open until 07:00 GMT on 12 September, and we will consider the results in future updates of the game.


Test the new campaign “Battle of Tunisia” and the new squad type, and give us your feedback. Many owners of the new premium bundle are already fighting in the sands!

Bundle includes:

  • Squad with WD Big 4 motorcycle
  • Squad with KS 750 motorcycle
  • Access to the Tunisia CBT

Just voted! The controls are pretty difficult to master on the bikes, but I think it is a really cool soldier type to have introduced :slight_smile: …

Isn’t it possible to create a new slot for light vehicle squads including Jeeps, bicycles, mobile AA/AT, halftracks and such with reduced armor?

Answered to the wrong post, sorry. :slight_smile:


put them into a different catagory like motorized infantry or something and introduce a seperate cap for those so that you will be able to limit them, while not stopping people from spawning in tanks


I honestly don’t know where they should go … but I do know I don’t want to waste my precious vehicle slots with this unit …


Motorcycle squads are really just very exposed MG teams. They’re very vulnerable and honestly classifying them as a vehicle squad is a bit much.
I like @114857834’s idea a lot as well


You really need a poll for that?Just read the goddam forum already.

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@_31420124242011 yeah the bikes are pretty quirky to say the least. I voted for letting us choose what slot they should take up. At least with the amount of bots in Tunisia atm I can park at the end of a street and just blast fools lol. I love the variety of having bikes, but they are definitely not worthy of taking a tank slot.

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We approach problem solving honestly. And to be honest, we want to hear the opinions of all players.

Anyway. Thank you very much for your feedback on this forum. Only thanks to them did we tackle this problem.


I replied, but I think you should have added a few lines comments in poll to understand why.

Mg bikes are pretty powerful so should be restricted, but I like the idea of grouping with new infantry type as mentioned above.


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considering their drawbacks,


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Definitely infantry… but to be honest motocycle does not really fit any of the categories.
If we had “motorized infantry” slot, things would be much better because right now, there is zero motivation to even use those premium squads (as I said, they are straight up useless even as decoration in comparison to any infantry) or motocycles in general.


@Keofox, to solve this problem, I believe that the active squad slot system needs some reconsiderations.
Because this is the time when the game saw introduction of squad that is simply waste to use either as infantry or vehicle slot in the times when non premium players already have to carefully pick squads to play. Players not only now need a way to get additional vehicle and infantry slot (WT provides good inspiration in this one), now there is “motorized infantry” that just does not fit anywhere, added to the pile.


Thing is this poll will mostl likely end with that you guys will move it to inf slot.
I still like the idea of the poll… I just excepted a more interesting/ game-changing question regarding Berlin 2.0 ehm Tunesia.

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It is true that the result of this poll is very predictable.

But the core issue with all this have deeper roots than just moving it to infantry slot because there is not a single squad that is so bad, that taking motorized (premium or not) would seem like a good idea.

This squad is simply too specialized to work as everyday infantry.


Will result of this poll affect future squads like that?
For example halftracks are simmilar but at the same time more powerfull so I think they shouldn’t be dealt with in the same way.

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If I had to choose between the 2, I would call them vehicles as they need to be limited.

That’s the exact reason I wish them to be separate slot with separate limits.

They are much more infantry than a pilot, something similar to an assaulter squad, yet facing 10 enemy assaulter squads on the battlefield would be much less astonishing for me than facing 10 motorcycle squads.

So my hope is that these guys will not be premium only, or with an affordable price tag where not the price is the limit but in-game slot availability.

But at the same time… what kind of sane person would exchange tank or plane and thus the ability to combat any of them for a… motocycle that can´t do any of these things.

Special slot is needed for these types of squads.