[POLL] Motorcycle squad: vehicle or infantry?

Would be sth. if we eventually face mech. infantry but I guess DF dont think that far.

That’s all good keofox. I hope you guys manage time to do more polls like this one.

This way the community actually feel ingaged on the development.

More polls like this one shall be done more.

If possible… Do a poll on premium squads… I know I m always talking about the same over and over…
But srsly… We need an option to add more soldiers on premium squads like non premium ones…


That should be accompanied with proper suggestions included… I don´t want to see CBT cancerous composition to repeat itself.


We already delivered countless topics that asked Prety much the same outcome as normal squads but with xp boosts only.

As an example :.


I agree that vehicles need a total restructuring, but between the options I would call it a vehicle.

Maybe give each lineup and each team a “vehicle budget” of a set number of points.

Every vehicle has a different point cost, so you can either have a bunch of weak vehicle squads, or 1 strong one.

It’s literally in the name of that type of squad:

Motorized INFANTRY :slight_smile:

Speaking off… it gives me good hopes for MECHANIZED infantry (halftracks, weee!) Eventually :smiley:

Only 4 days?

BTW, I think both as infantry, or create a new category is better than current one.


4 days it’s also too much for current bot fest Tunisia is.

Considering the lack of proper feedback, we won’t see nothing more than the usual feedback we already gave.

We need more players.let’s hope after said 4 days they open the campaign to everyone. With progress to pay users.


I dont think that 4 days means they gonna open it to public? Now, only 2(+1) maps. Lack of content. Even if they opened to public, we may still get bored very quick with current maps.
I think they might going to change the premium squads?
BTW, the berlin CBT squads are still on sale now…

Of course they are, and since Berlin scam already lost its value you can purchase squads separatedly in the bundle.

Half tracks are best type of vehicles Change my mind


And very daring as well huh

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laughs in velocipede

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Your tiger isn’t scary hides and cries in the corner of the m3 half track

Less than 24 hours after releasing the 49.00$ pack, the motorcycles received a nerf to their ammunition count, going from 3000 to 500.
At least give the motorcycles a universal slot.

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i voted to use them in both slots, since the ammo on the motorbikes have already been nerfed its good to be able to jump on another one thats already sitting on the battlefeild. so the more the better i say, it will be cool when the standard motorbike squads come out as i will be able to have 2 mc squads, the reason i know about the standard squads is becase i saw the screenshot of the motorbike we dont have in the game yet in the patch notes

As long as machine gun on motorbikes is same ones that is on sand bags and in pill boxes, then I vote INFANTRY.

the only thing i dont like is the handling of the motorbikes, its feels like i have a flat tyre and cant hold the handle bars straight, if you need to use the breaks your going to slide out and turn in another direction. this stuff doesnt happen in real life unless you have a flat tyre. the handling feels like im trying to play a car drifting game with a keyboard. also i would like to be able to use the motorbikes in practice mode to perfect my skills on 3 wheels ! Awesome update tho keep it up !!

The poll is over! Thanks for your participation! We will publish the results with the next update.


No probs, just a suggestions people are complaining about steering, but if default was driver, might be easier to steer, I found it easier.

Also can we move AT guns yet, I don’t think this is in-game yet.