Reduce the base range of the target lead indicator for air to air battle

The Base range for the target lead indicator to activate is 1000 m, the “+50% enemy detection range” perk boost the lead indicator activation range to 1500 m. The base value is way too high.

Here’s why I think it’s bad:

Most of my air kill happen at long range

It make air to air combat too easy. Part of the allure for WW2 aircraft is the dogfight, using your skill to out wit the opponent and achieve victory. Having the lead indicator activate at such a long range reduce the chance of player getting into a dogfight as air kills generally happen sooner at a longer range. Plays like stalling your opponent and force a reversal is next to impossible again due to the lead indicator base range being too high.

Reduce the base range of the lead indicator, in my opinion it should be somewhere between 500 - 700 m.


I would generally agree if… the game was less arcade. All is extremely arcade, to the soldiers running around while shooting with lmgs, to tanks, and planes.

You can’t just make one type less arcady while leaving the rest untouched. Plus, it’s useful to take out the many, manyyyy allies planes suicide bomb(rocketing) in straight lines. Makes them easier to intercept.

Speaking of, suicide bombing also doesn’t make sense. Much less than lead indicators.

But I do agree planes need a revamp. @Myrm1don made a very extensive and good suggestion to make planes more interesting (that would also reduce suicide bombers a lot)

However I wouldn’t mind some “hardcore” or “realistic” mode with shorter, or even NO lead indicator.


They should’ve kept the vehicle spawn point system from the mech event. If I remember correctly you need to get kills and complete objective to spawn vehicle. That would reduce the frequency of suicide bombing. That system is not perfect as you cannot earn points at all time like when making your way to the objective or not being able to get kills as your teammate take them all.

That vehicle spawn system could be refined further like that in the Titanfall series where your vehicle the “Titan” have a base spawn countdown timer. Getting kills or capturing objective would shave of a few seconds of the vehicle spawn countdown, this ensure a player that may not be so good at the game have the ability to spawn a vehicle during the match. Getting high killstreak or capture streak would shave off more time per completion and incentivize the players to avoid suicide plays.

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I dont think the lead indicator is active for more than 1000m in my experiance. The perk only changes the distance for the triangle spotting and not the lead indicator which makes sense as I believe aircraft cannons have a max range just above the 1000m range before despawning.


fighter pilots received years of flight and then intense dogfight/gunning training before flying their first mission. without months of gunning/aiming training for air combat its nonsensical to try hit fast targets in 3 dimensional scenarios with constantly changing weapons.

enlisted doesnt even have remotely something that teaches players how projectiles behave in the sky, how to aim and everything other relevant, so the aiming help is absolutely necessary. and no, its not OP, since even with 50% plus, its still very imprecise and most planes cant even hit targets at that distance due to dispersion.

“b-but just play more games until you can aim better”.
→ stupid opinion, which is falsified by how things like that are actually learned in the first paragraph.


I’m only suggesting to reduce the base range for the target lead indicator so players can get into more dogfights. I’m not suggesting for it to be removed.


considering that majority of players suck even with such lead indicator, there is no point to nerf it. you would just make fighters and plane duels useless for majority of players.


The point redemption system will only increase the number of parasites
Once they get on the plane, they won’t think about getting off the plane.
until they score enough points with their own inefficiency
The enemy will let these damn parasites go so they can continue to poison friendly forces.
Then friendly forces can only fight without effective vehicle support for a long time.
This is undoubtedly a vicious policy

than this bad way
Using the KPI endurance method will have better results.
Must reach a certain score to get more flight time
Although it cannot prevent suicide attacks
But it can be very effective in preventing those parasites from poisoning friendly troops.
A truly professional driver will have enough ability to continue creating opportunities for friendly forces in the sky.

Another really important point:

  • the lead indicator is NOT used ONLY by fighter planes. People on the ground with aa builds and spaa vehicles use the very same mechanics.

We already how much ppl complained (and still do to a degree) that it was difficult to hit planes using aa (it never was, they’re just not very good players, but eh.) Making the lead appear too late would effectively nerf aa.

And thus, boost bomber planes, even if they don’t suicide bomb or rocket :thinking:

No, I believe that to make things more interesting and weed out suicide bomber and bad pilots, things like airfields should be implemented:


I agree, this is why I made the distinction in the title of this thread. Reduce the lead indicator range for air to air only.

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Very unnecessary thing, especially since dogfights are just waste of time in enlisted.
You primarily target should never be the other planes. There’s no point to support this part of the game.

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They cannot be a waste of time, because they are fun. The game is about having fun, therefore they fulfill the game’s purpose wonderfully.

(You wounded my flieboi ego)


Sniping is fun and extremely satisfying as well. But I don’t think many people would love to support this aspect of the game any further. Quite the opposite. Same case.


On the contrary, both are fun, and both are important. Remove all those, then next would be tankers. Then all that would remains would be the common zerg monkey with smgs, and the game would turn very bland indeed.

That we got so many options is what makes Enlisted such a rich game (and made for the rich with those ludicrous prices lololol).

  • A good marksman on the flanks can both cover his cap by stopping or slowing down attackers and help his team assault by taking off mg gunners, dumb tank commanders and priority targets (human controlled soldiers).

  • A good pilot, will give his team air supremacy. And everyone knows how powerful a team with this can be: it allows his bomber teammates a clear way to bomb everything from tanks to cap zones.

  • even mortars are good when used well, covering the team’s attack and softening up the cap. 80mm can also take out big tanks.

There’s more than just monkeys with full autos. The thing is those classes are simply more difficult to master, and thus harder being useful with.


I have said nothing about removel. I’ve just said it shouldn’t be supported any further. It is good as it is. And this suggestion would make it just worse.

Team needs you to be active over battlefield. Literally not a single teams is benefiting from 1v1 fights thats happening 500m away from battlefield.


Oh, you’re talking just about the suggestion, I get it. I wouldn’t change the lead indicator.

But I definitely want @Myrm1don revamp (or something similar) to happen for planes.


Remove the air indicator and then remove tank indicator. Next is what? Pings?
This is an arcade game. I’d kinda like to keep it away from becoming War Thunder: Infantry Edition.


Nobody on this thread said anything about removing the lead indicator.

I mean if you enjoy flying in this game rather play their Snail game warthunder personally dogfighting in this game is stupid but I wish lol was so easy to perform such easy maneuvers in that game warthunder as you can in enlisted(Example bf 109 can turn way too good in enlisted compared to warthunder same for p47 and bf 110).
But I can understand if one wouldn’t want to play simulator battles there

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