Reduce the base range of the target lead indicator for air to air battle

I know I did say I can understand if one wouldn’t want to play there

As for the lead indicator i think 1000-1500 is way too far. In warthunder arcade it doesnt show up til about 780. Its such a wierd mix because the flight model isnt an arcade flight model lol.

Regarding plane contribution, You might not be able to cap, but if its a ticket bleed race, planes are pretty high contributors.

If you consider how easy it is for a plane to insta kill another plane or a tank…thats 12 tickets (or whatever) instantly gone.

Where as infantry you need between 6-9 kills (of the same squad) to get that.

When it comes to ticket influence, very hard to top a pilot that means business

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Maybe the first few waves of pewar/early war trained pilots.

After that they were chucking in fresh recruits and whoever they could get.

Heck the soviets sent up planes without gunsights

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they still received all the theoretical documents and training manuals, exactly whats missing in enlisted.

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Robhir did. That’s what I was confused about.
Otherwise we’re just talking about the identifier, which would be really annoying to reduce.

This man has called me out, attempted to assassinate me and mock me all in one phrase….


I personally can aim with/without the indicator because just as @ParaDivision mentioned; the indicator is not as precise as the guns are accurate. The indicator should be unchanged imo, I believe it’s good for new and even existing veteran players, if an option could be toggled to turn it off, it would be appreciated.

I play console so I believe the lead indicator gives me some slight help when I play against PC pilots. It’s very challenging playing against someone who can move in slight increments with increased speed as compared to a controller. (I can turn up the sensitivity but it doesn’t help the situation or the issue at hand*) Also, when I’m told by some people to “get a pc” to play a free game I feel like the entire point is missed as to why some topics are even brought up.

Anywho, I understand your point my friend! Maybe there should be some looking into this by the devs? Maybe not? Not sure, but anywho, great seeing you two in this forum post! Always a great conversation with you two.

The target indicator range is much shorter than the detection range - you get the red “enemy” indicator a long time before the aiming point appears.

As far as I’ve noticed the +50% detection range doesn’t affect the target indicator


Sorry I thought you were replying to me, it shows up on my notification.

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as mentioned before
The Pacific has told everyone the downside of taking off
including but not limited to
Destroyed due to insufficient take-off acceleration
Do you want to spend 20 seconds taking off and then be shot down by an enemy plane on the edge of an anti-aircraft gun?
A powerful enemy is absolutely capable of completely blocking your airport.
Or turn the plane into a honeycomb and wait for you to crash
Insufficient flight altitude
When you arrive at the battlefield in more than a minute
Even infantry on the ground can try to kill you with a lever rifle
Unless you are willing to spend 3 to 5 minutes circling and pulling up at the risk of being ambushed by enemy planes
Navigating too slowly misses critical moments
Heavy bombers and early aircraft are both relatively slow.
When you fly to the war zone, the enemy has already completely captured the stronghold (point 2 also applies)

The following is my bias
Like rifle grenades and impact grenades or other nice things
Maybe all you want is an environment where nothing can affect your strengths
Sounds quite selfish

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reducing lead indicator range would heavily favour Germany, they got the perfect cannons for quickly downing enemy fighters at close ranges, US with its heavy MGs would suffer the most.

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Hey that sounds fun to me lol!
I think it’s fine where it’s at or remove it entirely.