Proper BR-map links when +-1 BR MM is implemented

Disclaimer: if you don’t care about history in WW2 games, feel free to skip this thread.
To me it matters a lot.

Right now with the BR system we have outright insanities (like Tiger 2 in Stalingrad) which don’t even need to happen at all, just crazy stuff (like Puma in 1941-42) and very unlikely oddities (like KV-1 in Berlin).

When/if we get ±1 BR MM, here are some measures that can help minimize the damage to WW2 feeling (example is given for the eastern front because I know/care about it the most):

Mongolia Mongolia
Moscow Moscow
Stalingrad Stalingrad Stalingrad
Kursk Kursk Kursk
Leningrad Leningrad Leningrad
Euro town Euro town Euro town Euro town Euro town
Karelia Karelia Karelia
Poland Poland Poland
E. Prussia E. Prussia E. Prussia
Manchuria Manchuria
Berlin Berlin

(italics indicate proposed maps)

This way every BR setup would have at least 5 maps to play on.

If nothing changes in current weapons and vehicle BRs, at least we improve the following:

  • IS-2, Tiger 2 and other 1944-45 stuff from BR4-5 don’t appear in Stalingrad anymore
  • KV-1, T-34-76 (BR3) don’t appear in Berlin anymore
  • Pz IV J (1944) and Panzerfaust don’t appear in Moscow anymore
  • an “all-BR” map like “Eastern European Town” would fit all the periods of fighting from 1941 to 1945 (western Ukraine/Belarus style)
  • Kursk wouldn’t have anachronistic T-34-85 from BR4, since it would be limited to BR 1-2-3
  • a map like Karelia could work both for Finnish advance in 1941 and Soviet counteroffensive in 1944

Wishful thinking:

  • BR 6 would be implemented with ±0 BR MM and all the fake stuff like T-34-100, AS, RPD, DP with belt, Fedorov MG, HoRi, Tokyo SMG, Auto Hei that was not even serially produced/built or used in WW2 together with whatever other things could be added like IS-2 or Maus would go to “Operation Unthinkable” BR6 map(s) and wouldn’t mix with other BRs.

al fake stuff is not automatically lev5 6 being fake does not make it high level

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BR6 wouldn’t be for highest performance stuff, bur for fakes and prototypes (+ you can take anything from previous BRs).


Battle ratings are power levels
all fakes air quotes are not the same power levels
just because you don’t like them does not mean you can put them into a bag
as a slow way of getting rid of them
you hate them i hate the Tiger 2
make your own custom matches
though i agree the ±2 is bad a ±1 would be much better

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all of them was actually builded as prototype and tested so they are not fake stuff


darkflow cant even add a 3rd matchmaking bracket and you’re asking them to create a br6 in addition to 5 other matchmaking brackets for the other BRs


NGL you had me there
But DF is made it abundantly clear that we don’t have “enough” players.

TBH at first I expected nonsense like buff Puma to Panther level and put it on BR4, but these suggestions actually make sense.


Did these see actual combat though?
Anything that didn’t see combat can be called fake in historically accurate WW2 game.


Something fake is something never existed,fake, those was produced and tested and thinked to be used in mass production

Even the hori “production” is just the name for the mass production of the hori III


This is a WW2 combat game, not an interactive museum exhibit of weapons of war.
Any weapon that didn’t participate in WW2 combat is an alteration of reality, the word fake doesn’t do a great job at conveying all this, but it’s still the first word that comes to mind.


Fake stuff? :rofl: I think a tank grey zone falls well into the realm of fake stuff. :wink:


And use all the WW2 equipment who can be added, there is nothing wrong in this

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Obviously it’s merely my wishlist.

Though I don’t think any of the fakes would feel bad at BR6.

See here:

None of them were used.

And HoRi wasn’t even built.

Hence it’s labeled “wishful thinking”

Actually, yes. Put 75mm gun on it and make it a fast boi alternative to slow ass Panther on BR4 (because Puma is 1944).
But this thread is about keeping the current weapon and vehicle BRs.

And guys, the topic here is maps linked to BR ±1 MM, not fake stuff/prototypes again, pls.


Definitely not. There’s no reason why prototypes should be excluded to some nonsensical unbalanced BR6.
Prototypes are obv going to be more and more prominent part of the game. And across all BRs.

Prototypes are part of the history too, deal with it. And this game definitely is not aiming for some realistic simulator experience, lol.

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well you could expand this definition to any weapon that wasnt used in specific battle.

so tell me how germans charged beaches of normandy to kill allied tanks, or how allies bypassed fortified positions to get to german tanks in the rear.

gray zones can be understood as front lines after which you face certain death cause of overwhelming number of enemy inhabiting that zone.


Bad idea :-1:

Because Kursk was 1943 battle.

Yeah im actually on board with this, right on.


“The T-70 light tank made up 1/3 of Soviet tank strength at Kursk”

“The Panzer III was clearly obsolete by this point, with both armour and firepower inadequate against Soviet vehicles, but they were still common and 668 took part in the battle”

Tank museum quotes.

If you’re thinking about making Kursk BR 2 3 4 then that would be insane because T-34-85 didn’t even exist back then.


It would still not be enough as it is open top has much lower pen than panther and almost no armor. Enlisted favors heavy and well armed guns. Stuff like sdkfz 234/4 would be totally obsolete in br 4 and nobody would realistically use it

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Same as Panthers and Tigers :sleeping: