BR based map rotation

As already proposed a while ago, now that we finally have more queues and ±1 BR soft rule, can we also implement more historically accurate map rotation?
If we take USSR vs Germany games, I suggest the following map distribution:
BR1-2: Moscow
BR2-3: Stalingrad/Rzhev (optionally Moscow, but some BR3 vehicles were developed long after 1941)
BR3-4: Berlin
BR4-5: Berlin

So say I queue up with BR3 soviets, if I end up in a BR3-4 match, the only possible compaign is Berlin. This means there will finally be no Tigers/T-34-85s on Staligrad/Rzhev maps!

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Historical accuracy is impossible at this point. You’ll still get PPS-43s or Mosin M44s in Moscow even with this. Can’t even use historically accurate weapons like MG34. I suggest all maps available regardless of BR.

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Agree, more variation is much needed.

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I would much rather have all maps be available at all BR’s. I want to play on all locations regardless of what I’m using. I would however also like a map preference setting, even if soft.

Say be able to pick 3 Maps (all missions within) I like, and 3 Maps I don’t like and the matchfinder will try to find a match on/not on those maps if possible