Proper BR-map links when +-1 BR MM is implemented

There is no finnish nation and i doubt we will ever see one.


Currently, what we have in the game is, in my opinion, a sandbox and a test field for various mechanics, which Gajin will probably also use in WT or crossout. I call it team “arcade” mode. And I don’t personally mind the lack of HA, although I’m not in favor of 100% HA because it’s a game. But I would really like the second, more realistic mode, divided into campaigns and equipment assigned to a given theater of operations. And of course, the most 100% HA would be the Japanese side, so you have to turn a blind eye to some things.



NO to Kursk without Panthers and Tigers :-1:

NO to falsification of history :-1:


I give the idea credit that it doesnt want two separate games as other HA MM morons want.
That being said…
Julien Fragezeichen
Whats the point of a “HA MM” if it has more loopholes than a Marvel movie?

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Dont forget elefant


The allies nor the Germans had gray zones (safe spaces) for their tanks, and opposing soldiers were not being warned to return to the battlefield or face instant death when pursuing those tanks to kill them, regardless of where they were on a battlefield. Only in a video game do you see such nonsense. :rofl: As far as I am aware there has never been a war where tanks had a safe space to hang out in. Now, I am quite sure real tank commanders would be in favor of tank safe spaces, but I doubt that will ever come to pass, except in the video game world. :wink:

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Glad to know were all on board with something at least

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I feel like they should introduce weekly historical battles with prefabricated loadouts and maps where all of those weapons and vehicles were used, maybe even remove a lot of the HUD and add friendly fire to make it feel even more realistic as well as large versions of the maps.

It would basically be simulator battles and you could get cool rewards and increased silver gain exclusive to said gamemode as an incentive for people to play it.

Changing the base game is impossible now, prototypes are content for the game which a lot of people want, if enlisted only had “historical” weapons it would already be completely abandoned for other WW2 shooters because there would be no new content. New content is VERY important for games that are F2P.


well show me (successful) example of infantry (not paratroopers) in battle charging enemy front lines to kill tank that is hundreds of meters behind infantry positions with detpacks? tanks were relatively safe from enemy infantry when they were behind their front lines (aka gray zone). only time when they were not safe from infantry was when they were pushing into enemy (aka playable area).

no, ho-ri was never ever built and the information we have was because someone made up to gaijin and they put it in


Tldr: a single hori was fully functional for the end of the war as the article say


The Manchurian War tanks were literally destroyed with Molotov’s cocktails or at least forced to retreat from battle, but you are partially correct outside of urban combat tanks were very safe from infantry thrown weapons. also resistance fighter in the Warsaw ghetto uprising destroyed tanks by dropping Molotov’s on top of them but no infantry can’t hurt tanks without things like at rifle, at rockets and at mines and at grenade you know grenades designed to kill tanks nope only tanks and fighters can kill tanks.

Wouldnt be opposed, or just literally have each campaign be weekly with all the weapons you can make loadouts out of, ones that used to be part of each campaign.

However, no this would be too much.

Kursk without Panthers and Tigers is still Kursk.

Kursk with T-34-85 is not Kursk.

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The same argument that can be made for taking SU-76 or Puma itself when you have T-28/T-50 and Pz III N / Pz IV F1, more heavily armored and armed, not open top.

In any case, in my opinion situational Puma with 75 mm is 100% better than ahistorical time travelling Puma in Tunisia.

Main reason why this battle was delayed, is because Germans waited for new tanks to reach the frontline.

Without Panthers and Tigers, Operation Citadel would start in May, not July 1943.

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The Model 1943 was already produced by end of 1943.



Any battle with T-34-85 in it is not Kursk.

If you can make Enlisted not use T-34-85 but still have Panthers and Tigers, that might be Kursk.

Otherwise not Kursk.


T-34-85 first saw action in March 1944.

Kursk happened in summer 1943.

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Any battle without Tigers and Panthers is not a Kursk either.

It is just some generic map with farms and fields.

Same like Berlin is not a Berlin without Tigers II, but rather a random city.

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