Proper BR-map links when +-1 BR MM is implemented

So most Italian weapons and tanks and planes I guess. The Semo was iirc at best deployed in late Tunisia which us 1943, yet it it still appears in Moscow.
Edit: Never made it to Africa. Only used in Italy by the Itals and the Germans.

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Kursk was not just Tigers and Panthers. They were not even the majority there.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. 260 Panthers, 210 Tigers and 90 Ferdinands.

1943 battle in BR 1 - perfect for a player who has just downloaded the game :ok_hand:

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Tell that to the people queuing for Europoor Town.

I’d want “Operation Olympic” and some kind of “Germany: 1946” camapaign before “Operation Unthinkable”,

also Budapest/Hungary and Vienna/Austria, along with Anzio/Northern Italy. and Siciily.

But this is not supposed to be a “historically accurate” WW2 game. At least not anymore. Go play Squad 44 if that’s what you want, and leave us semi-casuals(who want something that’s more authentic and sensible then the CoD/BF madness, but not too hardline HA at the same time) alone.

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I’d say it IS more or less an interactive museum of weapons nowadays. Just go and play Squad 44 if you’re not satisfied with Enlisted’s HA.


So what? This is not really an “historically accurate” WW2 game anymore and it never will be again. Accept reality. I’m fine with it so I stay and play. It’s still miles better and more authentic/realistic than some CoD/BF madness. If you’re not fine, just go play something like Squad 44 where HA actually is the first priority(and most certainly will continue to be so).


Dickers max never saw combat and had two built.
the T34 couldn’t take a 100mm cannon it didn’t exist.
Ho ri production never saw combat iirc
Type Hei Automatic Rifle blew up during testing.
the list goes on.
just because it existed doesn’t hean it needs to be here.

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Yes instead, in a past Q&A was confirmed that’s because (X) existed in the time frame of the game can be added and every old player can confirm this

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This would be great, I want HA but not that the game is no longer fun. Same as I’d wish BR 5 would cool down a little because it’s currently filled to the brim with things not used at all and explosives.
People’s definition of fun can be quite different from mine though.
bonus points if these historical battles were BIGGER!!!@

I had stroke reading your sentence. but if I understood correctly let me answer
I’m a pretty old player and never heard of this.


To put it more simply for now, because was builded in WW2 can be added



The T34 100 in game use the LB gun you can see it by the kill feed, and this one was tested but scrapped in favor of the t44



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The it’s in the tanks description in the game one captured and destroyed by Soviets and one destroyed in fire.

Does that say it worked? it worked when the war was over.

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The LB Variant worked before the war was over but the t44 was already planned for mass production by then, and because German was at the end of the gas soviet simply dint rushed the production of new tank, but both t44 and t34 100 was fully operative before the end of the war

The t44 entered in service in the 1944 by the way, do expect to see it in game to


Dicker Max saw combat.

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What is this supposed to mean?

“Model 1943” is T-34-76, not T-34-85.

100% better than BR4 where T-34-85 is time travelling from the future, because Pz II and Pz III were actually there at Kursk again T-70 and T-34-76.

Cool story bro. Can’t wait to go play Walking Simulator 44 where Eastern Front is not even mentioned.
If you call yourself a casual, why don’t you go play BFV? It’s literally a better casual game.

So none of them were ever used.
You wanna argue they were used?

Wait how do you think it was captured by the Red Army near Stalingrad?

This one was actually never built, never beyond a wooden mockup.

Ho Ri never existed though? How does that work?