Proper BR-map links when +-1 BR MM is implemented

It existed 5 was ordered and just one completed but never used, the test based on the pre production model Hori 3 was done and reported, those who never existed was the hori 1 and 2


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From what i understand the bar is if a prototype was completed before the end of the war it can be in the game, as in built not but perfected or even accepted but functioning more than a mockup like a wooden tank.
that is it no production or combat requirement, it did not have to be issued to any troops much less front-line troop.
If you do not like that talk to the developers and do not complain here, argue for the rule to be changed don’t complain about the results
one br5 is going nowhere and br5 needs prototypes, second you get a lot more of the Thomson spam which has like seven in the game.

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“When the first T-34-85’s delivered by Zavod #112 appeared, they were given to the best units, the elite Red Guards battalions. However, they were in training during December 1943, so it is uncertain whether they saw action before”

And you have sooo many loopholes, bitching about the T-34-85 M1943 is stupid at this point.

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JFC I’m not even gonna bother, it don’t mean a rat’s ass when some prototype was tested and “not delivered to the troops”.
Is-3 and T-44 do not belong to WW2 either.
Just how Me. Komet doesn’t belong to 1941 despite being tested in 1941, or AS, or RPD, this prototype bitching is tiring already.

T-34-85 didn’t fight at Kursk.
Any battle with T-34-85 is anything but not Kursk.
Really easy.

Literally your own link says in red:
'Information on vehicle is NOT accurate as of [9/3/2017]"

They do, and they definitely belongs to Enlisted. Enlisted is full of prototypes.
And both IS-3 and T-44 existed at least as prototypes during WW2.

So your crying is just annoying never ending spam. I highly doubt developers will rethink they’re approach just because of you.

Btw. And as far as I know, they shared information on their telegram they’re even planning (or at least considering) to alt history like Americans in Berlin and so.

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Because if you click it say, click here for the part 2… Sigh, believe it or not it was produced and tested

Perhaps devs should just do the same thing as they did the “About the game” in past.
Just delete anything related to “HA”

This can be easily done with maps as well.
Moscow maps could be snow 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
So they no longer are “Moscow maps”


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Nah but you dont care about stuff like Semo being on maps it never went.
But not a Model 1943 on Kursk. That is not historical enough.

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We just need more war theatre for diliute the excessive number of weaponry, like for soviet and German

  • Kursk for BR 3
  • Baltic and Leningrad for BR4

For allies

  • Italy for BR3
  • Operation cobra BR4 alongside Normandy
  • Dunkirk BR1

And add a soft system for if possible make battle with just the Equipment who was used in that battle or existed at thath time


I dont mind new maps. Id even open all the maps for BR5 to get atleast some much needed diversity.

What comes to BR’s as long as they are balanced im fine with it.
Aka no tiger vs T-50 or anything equally turded.

Depends how it works, if this means ppsh in moscow because muh HA, it would require kiraly or mp43 as counter aka there would go that history.
T-34 or KV1 ? Atleast F2 as counter and there again would go that HA.

Not that I care at all about HA, but even such soft rule would be rather difficult to add to keep the balance.

For me should work like this"

  • The game see people equipment and in base of how many different war theatre share those equipment it select a map mostly accurate for everyone equipment

As long as it works inside BR limitations, I dont mind.
Aka no ppsh in moscow against mp40
Or volksturm weapons in BR5 because meh muh HA map


It works inside BR limitations, it just pick a map common for most weapons that’s it

This prototype talk is really boring by now.

I don’t believe in Ho-Ri just as I don’t believe in Santa Clause.

Anyway, respectfully, I’ll be replying to feedback on BR-map links here from now.

I don’t mind BR’s being driven more by historical basis in theory, however I do have some gameplay balance issues, mostly around last ditch weaponry. Late war stuff tends to get cheaper and less reliable as you lose a war, and better as you win (something something resources) . . . I do worry that a system like this being too strict could become massive stomping fields that are NOT impacted by playerbase shifts over time as they are now (which I would rather get rid of entirely, not have a chance of makingworse)… and could result in “permanent” issues.

There are two ways this could occur:
1): Late war stuff comes with less hype for certain factions, therefore faction doesn’t gain traction
2): Late war stuff is not as good as early war stuff, so playerbase only plays lower BR’s, HIgh BR side, becomes ghosttown.

How would a system like this take care of such concerns?

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Maybe you shouldnt be such dick ? Here he comes every year and kids love him.

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I already answered those questions in the above replies. The second question doesn’t even make sense in context with my comment. Guess you’re just yet another internet guy with serious reading issues…

Ironically, your attitude here is getting very childish that I wouldn’t be surprised if you did believe in Santa Claus…

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Well “Walking Simulator 44” is historically accurate. Thought that was what you wanted? And I’m sure they have plans to add Eastern Front eventually. On the other hand, they do have France 1940 which isn’t in Enlisted yet.

Would love if the focus was on stuff that was used “before” chasing the prototype/unused train.

Prototypes/unused can come later