Proper BR-map links when +-1 BR MM is implemented

Considering what’s been happening with Japan, I agree.

i like the stupid prototype guns, i never heard of the condors smg or the japanese semi auto rifles before i played enlisted lol, this makes Enlisted a unique game in a sea of copy-paste ww2 games


oh yeah now you’re definitely getting coal for Christmas

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What you are proposing is to remove 1 unhistorical vehicle (T-34-85) at cost of 4 historical vehicles (Tiger H1, Panzer IV H, Panther A and KV-1 with ZiS-5 cannon).

This is unrealistic and will never be approved by Darkflow.

As of Panzers II and III, T-60 and T-70 you are wrong, because they are very common in high BR:

Watch the vid at 50 sec.

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I feel like everyone on this thread has forgotten something, the dev’s standard for historical accuracy since summer of 2021 has been “if it exists during the timeframe of the campaign, we can add it”. Post merge, anything that had at least one version built prior to September 2, 1945 is completely fair game for the devs, with the exception of Japanese tanks which need to bend this rule a bit for the sake of balance. However, in every other case, the devs have explicitly stated that this is their line in the sand for juggling historical accuracy and balance, so why is everyone still so shocked at the fact that the devs are adding such things. It was one thing with Jumbo in Normandy during early 2021, but the devs have been consistent with this line for the entire lifespan of the game, so at this point you aren’t going to change anything. Too much has been invested in this level of historical accuracy, and to overhaul it would require completely overhauling how the game works, fundamentally making a new game in the process. At that point, you should just play something else.


I’m all in for a little more HA, something has to be done. There’s just too much never used weapons all around, or very inaccurate things like volkssturm guns in Africa maps.
What would be the next thing they add? Maus? T54? AK47?. This is not the way.

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balance…mic drop

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I mean, seeing how WT went, and how popular the modern combat event was(still is in customs), this game is also bound to go past 1945 at some point in the future, no matter what the devs are saying in Q&A right now.

Exactly what I want to say to @GENxCatrenko @Veekay45 @Valkay

Santa’s jurisdiction doesn’t apply where I’m from :stuck_out_tongue: Ded Moroz is the guy here, and we’re cool

Yes, because one very important ahistorical vehicle defeats the purpose of having a historical battle.

If DF can’t make Kursk without T-34-85, I’d rather they left it alone in general and just add Bagration with slightly different steppes.

And yes obviously Stalingrad should never see anything beyond current BR3 as well.

Which is NOT the (primary) purpose of this game anymore, whether you like it or not.

Yes I know. I actually like modern combat. T54, AK47 and so on would be great, but only if they are in the right era.
I hope they add Vietnam or Afghanistan or something sooner rather than later, so they can stop adding unrealistic things to WWII.


I find it hilarious that japan got ho-ri, na-to, chi-nu, ta-se and ho-ni before they got tech tree chi-ha and chi-ha kai


I’ll gladly take that.