Preliminary list of changes for the February update

I just got rid of my M2 carbine this week unfortunately. :cry:

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yikes… DId you sell them? What a waste, they are going to be godly…

Yeah, now I feel like an idiot.

You’re not an idiot. Nobody knew this is going to happen. And the sights were very bad, making the gun basically unusable for some people.

The only reason I didn’t like the m2 were the sights but now its going to be a slaughter for the Axis. Hope it doesn’t become too popular.

Now do that with all of the italian semi-autos that are stuck with the same ammo load as bolt-action carcanos.

We have the tech tree Armaquerra Mod. 39, the Scotti mod.X and the Pavesi M42 (that suffers at BR3) that are also stuck at 30 rounds ammunition capacity.

Also, when are we gonna see a matchmaker with proper uptiers/downtiers???
We need a % limit of the top BR of any match, and we need to replace the hardcoded 1-2-3 or 3-4-5 BR
brackets with a more fluid matchmaker system. WHERE is 2-3-4 matches??? Where are the 1-2 or 4-5 only battles (should be rare (only when a BR is overcrouded), too stale fighting the same things endlessly). Right now BR3 is forced to be either in the top of the food chain, or in the very bottom with NO middie ground. Just look at War Thunder’s BR system. (It’s actually BR±3 looking like BR±1)

In addition, we need BRdecompression6, since BR5 has so mych power creep, that it eclipses even the difference between BR1 and BR3 tanks. Just look at Tiger E vs T-34-85 vs Tiger II(H). Only the IS-2 can frontally pen the Tiger II(H) while the Tiger E struggles to survive against BR4 tanks shooting at it. While, at low tier, even a BT 5 can snipe a PZ. IV J frontally at range. It makes no sense that the Tiger II(H) is at the same BR as the Tiger E and the IS-1 (the BR5 Sherman should get to BR4, with the Panthers). We have the same issue with smg’s vs AR’s, they can’t be at the same BR nor be downtiered.

Last, when we are going to have a BR rebalancing round??? The BR os some weapons definitely needs to change. I proposed a bunch of them, alongside other ideas in this ~2month old thread: a bit outdated

Why only for allied weapons? A bunch of other guns share the same issue with the character eating his gun during ADS. For example the Type 94 pistol or the Type 38 rifle ( Change camera position during ADS on Arisaka rifles )
on the Japanese side.

The G41 (M) sight desperately needs some work

Yes, agree


Thank you, Mr. Keofox. It is much appreciated.


Squads’ limitation aside from planes/tanks should never ever be a thing, even less if prem squad are excluded.

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I really like the AI improvements especially as well as the map changes.

Fingers crossed you guys keep giving AI some priority.

Presume vehicles/weapons getting revealed later??

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Why no Pershing + Super Pershing ? They were promised in December along with Ho-Ri:

Looks like im done playing this game. Now your going to limit the way i play!? Im done, I dont want to run squads i dont like. Now your going to take away my ability to run my premium and hard earned event squads i bought bc now i have to run some garbage squad ill never use? WTF!!! Now we are limiting how we fucking play are you serious! im so upset at this, i really dont think this is a good idea at all.


They’re just limiting you from spamming the same squad type

EXACTLY!!! i bought and grinded event squads and now im essentially having them taken away. Literally destroying the game i like. Im done if they do this. I dont want to run or be FORCED to run some stupid ass rifle squad bc people whiny and want nerfs on everything.

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It is only on a test server. Squad limits will be removed in real game.

Because you have the luxury to spam and infinite number of flamethrower squads does not mean that’s exactly nice for the other players and that doesn’t make it any better for F2P players fighting you.

I read the following as “it’s not working how we want it to and may never. It’ll be on the test server and then you may or may not ever see some modified version of it.”

I wouldn’t quite leave the game over something in a test server.

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If they do not put some form of limitation then they’ve gone mad

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