Preliminary list of changes for the February update

EDIT: I’ve asked stupid question so I deleted it.

Anyway I’m mega hyped. I just hope it will be more polished than the previous ones and not bring so many bugs


Some nice little changes.

Us sights sounds promising

But not much in highly requested areas like:

  • customisation system improvements (this is an important one)
  • italian uniforms in moscow/stalingrad
  • italian paratroopers
  • overheat on AA/20mm tanks
  • bipods :stuck_out_tongue:

Many more

Urban warfare gets boring if there is too much. Moscow has my favourite maps. (Hate most maps in warthunder force you into urban fighting)

If tanks and vehicles are the concern for open maps, it simply means the maps need to be bigger not smaller :slight_smile:


Pretty cool, I like the new sights for US weapons, the tank hit decals are good. AI updates and other minor improvements are always great too.

Just a couple questions. Does buffing the SMLE and VG.2 mean that you’re planning to leave these weapons in BR3. Also, you mentioned new winter uniforms for US soldiers, would you consider adding even more historically accurate ones like the long brown wool coats and winter camo for US and British soldiers?


Hans, get the Kar98K, there is a traitor!

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While in practice mode i noticed that when ai soldiers fire their rocket launcher, they don’t lose any ammo when they reload, making them have infinite ammo for their rocket launcher. Is this a bug or a feature???

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Are the german and russian premium APC’s getting fixed this patch? Super strange to have my german gunner standing ABOVE the bullet shield.

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AI have infinite ammunition and bottomless clip activated
They just reload periodically to top it off after reducing it to 1 round or 0 in the case of AT launchers


awesome but please dont forget to do something against that bad matchmaking BR System.

BR1-2 BR 3standalone. and 4-5 is ok or BR1 standalone BR2-3 and 4-5

For your own best of Enlisted please do anything against BR1 facing BR3


Interesting but would like to see some of the new TT additions…hopefully Germans can get something more then one TD or one truck this time aye?


are we just imagining things then?

those are there. funny thing is, when the update of the other day allowed event squad to be customized, a new helmet was even introduced:

and… the kiraly squad can wear them too.

but not the premium? version?

3d modelers have done their job more than well.

but someone on the other hand, is overshadowing their effort and talents by not putting their models through the customization selection.

as we said, the customization needs an entire update of it’s own.

by the way, send them some love words because once again, they have done the incredible and made some actual good piece of equipment ( yet again ):

( p.s you can see the rest there )


Feature of course :^)

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The new sights on Tommy/M2 Carbine are a godsend.
Truly amazing. Very enjoyable now.

The visual improvements and new effects are way more significant than I thought.
Looking very good. Enhance the game for real.

I’m glad you keep improving the UI. It’s getting better and better for every update. Since we (at least me) spend a lot of hours in the menu this is very welcomed.

What I’m probably most intrigued to see is the AI improvements.
Haven’t tested it yet, though.

But overall. Very good update!


Good job with the American weapons. Hopefully other nations won’t be forgotten.

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There are still some US sights which could be reworked in future.


Bren Mk1

Bren Mk2

(sigths for Besal are somewhat okay, I would try to reproduce them for fixing :point_up_2:)

M1907 Enfield

Thompson 1928 USMC

Thompson 30 cal

For other nations, I do remember MG34 with 75 mag has pretty bad sights covering half of screen.
Same goes for Japanese MGs.

Btw. I think I love reising now…

pure sexiness

not even mentioning UD M42…

just lovely


I want my shorts back!


I just got rid of my M2 carbine this week unfortunately. :cry:

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yikes… DId you sell them? What a waste, they are going to be godly…

Yeah, now I feel like an idiot.

You’re not an idiot. Nobody knew this is going to happen. And the sights were very bad, making the gun basically unusable for some people.

The only reason I didn’t like the m2 were the sights but now its going to be a slaughter for the Axis. Hope it doesn’t become too popular.