Preliminary list of changes for the February update

Sniper stgs are way worse than sniper mkbs. And if you are scared of sniper mkbs, then I understand why you must feel like playing eSports 24/7.

Mkb Stg Mp43 are all the same thing to me
I prefer using the Mkbs and have a single squad of them on my German lineups

No its the type of people who use them that end up being giga aids to play against since it doesn’t just end there
Its endless AP mines desynched deaths because their reaction time is just as fast as mine but the servers are dogshit so one of us gets to roll below the DC check and usually some variation of grenade spam

So long axis,

welcome US Army.

Today I am a traitor to the fatherland, lets prepare for Thompson action baby !

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No, it isn’t the sniper stg has the same rpm but much much better dispersion

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he is right though, Sniper MKB have insane vertical recoil on full auto - but have much better accuracy and deviation than basically all full auto weapons in the game, if you can control that recoil, you have potentially the best DPS gun in the game.

You will fix bipod dispersion next patch for sure. Right? Right???


But way worse scope for distance on which you want to use it.
Plus I’ve never experienced problems with dispersion.

But I think we shouldn’t continue with this discussion. Actual feedback to upcoming changes is more important.

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I doubt that, though maybe its just horizontal recoil that makes the difference here.

One big improvement would be reducing the chauchat spread, its almost unusable still :frowning:


It has been already reduced with release of merge If I am not mistaken.
Are you still having problems with it?

2nd is sniper mkb bottom is sniper stg


Only thing I was wrong about is the much part, it’s dispersion is just merely slightly better than mkb

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Yeah they reduced the recoil and dispersion it’s almost good. Only firerate buff is needed it’s already pretty accurate and can be used as a better bolt rifle.

It is still very very high, as in you will miss shots under 10m

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I already said those AR snipers are all the same
Its not actually about them
Its the toolsheds that use them
Refer to my earlier post
Its a red flag for a bad match

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Yes, I prefer 3x over 4x.

And preference doesn’t mean it’s actually better

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Whatever, we shouldn’t overspam this thread.

How do you like the future update?


What’s laid out so far looks good to me :+1:

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We thought about it. But we’re not sure it’s good. Very often, players get seriously wounded and who should the AI ​​pay attention to - an enemy with a machine gun at a medium distance or a wounded person with a pistol shot at close range.

In a game with very realistic damage, a pistol is also a very scary weapon.

How to distribute the priorities of a dozen AI soldiers nearby?

How to make several enemies who fell wounded into the bushes noticeable enough?

Game design is hell.