Change camera position during ADS on Arisaka rifles

As of now, most of Arisaka rifles (that would be Type 38 rifle and carbine, Type 99 Long, yet unreleased Type 99 and Type I) are held uncomfortably close to the screen when you aim down sights with them. As I would describe it, as if the user really enjoys eating brass for breakfast or would like to eat a gun in a literal sense or really needs a woman’s shoulder to cry on and uses the dust cover of a rifle as a replacement.

Not only it blocks quite a lot of space in the bottom part of the screen, it also causes the camera to clip inside the weapon due to the presence of the dust cover and all the jiggling around when moving around. Is it possible to move them a bit forward like it is the case with the late-war Type 99 or unscoped sniper Arisakas? Showing a Type 38 rifle as an example of what could be done, as well as the current state of a late-war Type 99 and unscoped Type 97 as a potential alternative. (i can’t embed the media or include links, so please, open them yourself for comparison)

i.imgur. com/ucf8IPw.jpg - Current Type 38 stance when ADS button is pressed once
i.imgur. com/pe8VGpu.jpg - Current Type 38 when held
i.imgur. com/kqWUOA4.jpg - My suggestion on how Type 38 and other Arisakas should be held like when the ADS button is pressed
i.imgur. com/GbXQb6T.jpg - My suggestion when held
i.imgur. com/ppMr4aK.jpg - Type 99 when pressed
i.imgur. com/jXbLdCq.jpg - Type 99 when held
i.imgur. com/cv4ScuR.jpg - Unscoped Type 97 when pressed
i.imgur. com/PMsVnsK.jpg - Unscoped Type 97 when held


It’s only a part of whole problem.
Mosin rifles, Springfields and all semi-autos are also too close. As well as assault rifles, MGs and SMGs.

So true man. Hope this gets more attention. I absolutely love the unscoped sniper rifles iron sights. Very good model for how the Type 38s and 99s sights should be.