Points pool for the BR system

So someones post got me thinking, and especially all the concerns of everyone rocking all meta for the tier they are on and nothing less such as grenade launcher spam or assault rifle spam.

My idea is for their to be a “points” pool that you draw from to determine how much equipment you can use. Anyone familiar with WH40k will recognize the points system.

So essentially you will be brought into a match based on your highest tier weapon/vehicle. However to prevent abuse of equipment a point system will be assigned to each equipment to limit the use of equipment. The points or value pool would vary for each tier but essentially you want be able to bring equipment that doesn’t exceed the limit.

For example if you wanted to spam tier 5 assault rifles, you would use a lot of points on those weapons and leave little room for other equipment.

My thought would be begginer weapons and BAs would be free to bring or cost very little. While assault weapons and tanks will cost more points, especially when you go up in tier.

This idea would still follow tiers to prevent players from fighting something they can’t compete with and also limiting players from meta spamming to their hearts content. This also would help resign weapons such as MP3008 to a higher tier but give it a low value so it doesn’t use many points.

The value of weapons and tanks would have to be determined but I personally like the idea and and also addresses some concerns. Only people who would disagree are meta spammers.

Also on a nother note this could let weapons such as PPSH-41 be used at a lower tier but the value would be so great you would only be able to bring one or maybe two. That being said the value could also vary per tier so at tier 2 ppsh is extremely high while at tier 5 it is less but not so low its spammed.


I wrote about similar idea not long ago.

The main difference is that I put a hard cap on what and how much you can bring. Namely only one squad 1 BR higher.
Also take note it was before we knew about 2 queue system and it was designed with normal BR MM in mind.


I remember reading about this even before you made an actual post I think it was in a news post. That idea could work too of course and I’m all for diversifing matches, and to hopefully reduce or eliminate spam of copy paste equipment that’s meta.

I also think this could merge with my idea so an elite squad to help fight up tiers but they are more valued in points

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I’m not a “meta spammer” by any means (don’t even know what the meta is, I just use guns I like) and I hate the idea of limitations on what you can and cannot bring. Heck one of the reasons I didn’t like COD Black Ops multiplayer, I couldn’t have a fully loaded deck. If I wanted perks, I couldn’t have a kitted out gun. If I wanted tacticals and lethals, I couldn’t double dip on perks. It was annoying. No, having a BR system will be bad enough without adding a limiter on what I can even have in the first place

? You can play BR5 and you won’t have any equipment limitations so I don’t understand that part.

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you mean something like this?

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Very similar, except yours allows higher tier gear into lower tiers because of points. I just say let you’re highest tier gear put you into whatever tier it is and limit abusive weapons. With yours it’s also very harder to do because people would complain that a high tier weapon could “ruin” everything, such as the KV-1 argument. But I still like your idea nevertheless.

Personally my touch to yours would limit later war weapons out of low tier period. So like when you said MG42 can go tier 1, I don’t care for that too much because mid war weapon in early war.

Now SVT or AVT wouldn’t matter because early war etc.


yeah, that would be the point. You can see that With the King Tiger, IS-2 example. They cost too much for you take anywhere but BR 5

All that you would need to do to keep weapons out of BRS is make them cost too much for said BRs

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Well I meant like your example of MG42 getting into tier 1 specifically. I still like the idea of “historical accuracy” in the sense not that it’s accurate but it’s not like CoD where weapons time travel.

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yeah. You could do it by power or HA with this method.

Just requires the numbers to be well thought out. Something that I’m not gonna do for an idea that wont be noticed lol.

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Agreed, both of our ideas I agree. Because if nothing changes the game will become unfun unless the playerbase has values.

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I think vehicles are very suitable for points systems such as PersonalSpawnCost.

For tank planes this will essentially avoid spamming them.

And it can well distinguish different types of vehicles and allow them to work together on the same battlefield.

Light tanks cost fewer points, while heavy tanks cost more points, which will differentiate how many they can be fielded.

For infantry weapons, it is a bit too complicated. I currently prefer to use a quantity-based rating system for infantry weapons.

Awesome, it seems alot of people have had this idea which means there IS an issue.

I personally haven’t been looking at the forums so my apologies for not seeing anyone’s post.

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Not exactly sure why te MP3008 should be pushed to higher BR ?

I thought the entire idea of BR system is to entirely prevent OP weapons to appear in low BR.
I would take 2 ppsh41 / Kiralys at any given day over ~4 ? Mp3008 or Mp40’s.

Sure, I couldnt “spam” them but I most likely would do more harm with 2 good weapons than with 4 adequate.

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Tier is also to represent timeline of weapons.

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Well no, ppsh for example is high BR smg for obvious reasons.
Mp3008 is a most like low br smg for obvious reasons.

Read the last dev news

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Well the latest seems to regard about premium uniforms so feel free to link which you have in mind.