BR based on overall average raiting

They don’t need to know how it’s calculated. All they need is the BR they have.

It’s also boring as many ppl will just run around with “local meta” equipment.
But I guess it’s lesser evil at low cost.


I would just fudged the numbers in such a way, that if you bought a certain amount of endgame weapon in a single squad (that it saw low tier)

you would have no points left and only rifles in the rest of the squads, a start tank and a starter plane

@tommyZZM perhaps I missed it in all this writeup, but perhaps Rifles, Starter equipment and starter vehicles should have no cost, or not factor into the equation at all. Would just be filler/common equipment (maybe thats what you meant by top 3? I just think it should be exempt and not factor in at all)

All cost is associated with the stronger equipment. Once you have used your quota on this gear, the rest is starter gear or “common” gear

the higher the BR cap, the more points you have available to use up.


Overall it’s not that different system from the average BR.


thats right its the same, Im just saying the Numbers would have to be precise enough to stop over abundance/abusing, but starter/common gear would be removed from the calculation so it cant affect the average. (can have as much as you want and would be necessary as a filler)


Aight so 1 M1919A6 and nothing but M1903’s and I get into BR 2? Gotcha

As stupid as BR systems are, don’t make it worse. If I’m gonna be stuck with War Thunder: Infantry Edition, don’t give the seal clubbers an open pass to bring in top tier weapons to low tier

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How about working in tandem with BR. Sort of trying to incorporate the General idea of Tommyz (I think) into the announced BR.

Now I’m just spit balling for the sake of throwing ideas out there.

Let BR do what it does, separates them into balanced groups base on power and determines the match making. Then apply a point rating to each Item and an allocation of points you can bring for each BR, from “outside” that BR. A Grace Buffer

This allows you to remain in that BR until you exceed your limit, which bumps you up to the next BR.
Achieve variety and allow some weapons the opportunity it wouldn’t otherwise get, Like PPSH in Moscow.

For example (these numbers are just to help paint this picture, they require more thought)

BR 1 has 20 points available to use on Higher tier gear. (limited as its new player BR)
BR 2: 50 points
BR 3: 60 points
BR 4: 120 points
BR 5 max BR so doesn’t Matter

Mp 40 10 points----------------------PPS-42 10 points
MG 42 20 points---------------------DP-27 20 points
Kiraly 25 points-----------------------PPSH 41 25 points
FG 42 60 points----------------------AVT-40 60 points
STG cost 60 points-----------------Fedorov 60 points
Tiger 65 points-----------------------IS-1 65 points (I changed, cant allow in BR 3 because it can MM BR 2)
King tiger 130 points--------------IS-2 130 points

The the highest BR weapon you could bring to BR 1is the Mg42…and only 1

The numbers need to be alot better (I just cant be stuffed working it all out proprly for an unpopular suggestion lol)

Numbers would be set in a way that certain equipment just can’t be used/abused at lower tier or in very low numbers. It severely gates/limits the use of powerful equipment to a point where it shouldn’t be a problem.

I am of the opinion that 2-4 Endgame weapons are easily disposable, vehicles are an exception.

Obviously, it’s a first draft.


As a supplementary note, in this scenario, other players are not unable to deal with fg42 / m1919A6

Even in this situation, snipers have become uniquely useful.

Snipers don’t play much role in spam battles.

But this makes snipers really useful against powerful enemies that are few in number when the opponent only has a specific number of units.

This isn’t some accident, it’s a carefully considered scenario while giving each weapon in the game its own purpose.


I dont know. How about in the next twst server we just make all kinds of matchmaking system available and let people play them then vote whicu they think is the best? like mske 5 ways of matchmaking and keep 1 or 2 that suit better for the game.

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The logic is sound considering the fact that weapons are equipped on an individual basis.

Just need to hammer the numbers down.

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Patch notes

I think another benefit of this calculation is that it doesn’t require every player from an older version to change the squads he already has.

Everything calculates new ratings naturally and compatible with every weapon type.


For specific weapons, usually weapons that appear in later wars such as STGs, the score can be set higher so that they will at least only enter mid-level matches.

I think most late war weapons can be configured this way.

Just like the battle faced by BR3/BR4 in the current test. It won’t make any difference

This can be designed.

At the same time, this calculation method can also be extended to the player’s additional equipment.

For example, if a player carries grenades or ammo packs, it may not affect too much on rating if he only carries one grenade pack, but if a player carries several many grenade packs, it will affect his rating.


Your idea is great!
And the upgrade system for soldiers and guns is something I dislike.


imo average br is better

biggest issue now is that f.ex. you’re br2, you unlock and bring one br3 weapon and suddenly you can be matched against fully geared br5 players, how come people find this not an abuse?

whilst in average br you can adjust br so that even when you bring one stg and the rest is just kar98 you’ll be put in mid tier battles, and then you’re screwed, one stg is not enough to dominate battlefield, dying and picking up weapon again is not always doable and its just inconvenient to do, and if your whole squad will be gone you have to cycle through 2 useless squads compared to enemies.

it seems to me that average br might come sooner than one might think.

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I noticed some players on the forums were discussing the number of vanilla levels.

In fact, with the solution described in the OP, there will be no obstacle to the number of levels.

Developers can set differentiated scores for any weapon or vehicle.

I think this is a very compatible calculation method and is friendly to every player.

Players with a large number of cards are already prepared to face a large number of weapons per BR, such as 27 or more rifle grenades. If the number of weapons is not considered, any player can kill novices by buying a large number of the best weapons corresponding to low-level BR. At the same time, due to BR+2/+2 or BR+1/BR-1, novice players will meet advanced players who are more advanced than him and have a more complete number of weapons.

For example, BR3 or BR4 players will face BR5 Sweat Lords armed to the teeth, which is why BR that does not consider the number of weapons does not work on balance issues.

Especially for those players who have only obtained a small number of BR 4 or BR 5 level weapons in the game.

According to my survey, most players only own a small number of these BR 4 or BR 5 weapons. Because many players are in the progress of the grinding they dont have enough orders to make too much weapons.

Once the so-called big update comes, these players will be forced to participate in many BR 5 battles with the Sweat Lords. For blance gameplay they will have to escape BR 5 a little bit by dropping their weapons…

The probability of this happening in the current test BR is completely unpredictable, because players only get a “V” as the only basis for their MM. And such BR does not represent any real balance of the match…

The approach described based on the topic will allow these players to continue to participate in the battle and be matched with opponents who are closer to their combat capabilities, rather than being forced to fight against Tier V Sweat Lords.


Anything to stray away from the current system we going to get is better than nothing.

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how did those player survive in this game so far? simply if they dont want to face sweat lords on t5 then they can just downtier their equipment. i am certain that t2 or t3 players dont want to face sweat lords who bring down their t4 or t5 equipment to their tiers.

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This is an optional patch

Difference two queue, Early War and Late War, to differentiate weapons and the maps of these weapons~

Doomsday weapons in the later period are classified as Late War, while most weapons in the game still belong to Early War. This feature can be used to differentiate maps and prevent from fighting in Moscow from encountering STG or Tiger.

But the battle in Moscow will still encounter ppsh and svt as historical accuracy.

It is about to make something like the 123 and 2345 with more flexible

The rest of the MM part is completed with the same mechanism as described in the theme.

Players engage in fair battles based on numbers of weapons calculated as rating scores

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Quite sure the ppsh has been tried out in moscow and it didnt work out that well.
Especiatly if there will be some “map lock” to certain BR levels, such guns as ppsh & its counter kiraly has no place in games against BA’s and somewhat adequate SA rifles.

Especiatly if we consider moscow maps as some kind of starter ground, theres 0 reason to throw in 2 best smg’s of both factions.

That’s why the number of weapons should be considered in this BR calcuation instead of allowing anything spam

The maps conditions just a optional patch to the main solution in OP

I don’t see any difference between player having ppsh and his bots BAs or players and his bots all having ppsh.

The outcome is pretty much the same. But there no longer will be pure low BR match because of this concept.