BR based on overall average raiting

to be clear, i think the system could be actually fine tuned and sprinkled with a good amount of exceptions to work decently. im not against mixed weaponry battles, i mean, been fighting like that for years and had lots of fun with it.

is not the system itself which is problematic. is the IMPLEMENTATION of said system.

FFS the fkin german basic soldiers were sending you straight to normandy by default in the test server they presented us, and noone, NO ONE, found it smelled funny in the entire developer team? is not quantum physics we talking, is a simple rifleman with a kar straight to normandy. a simple rifleman which all new players will have to use.

I donā€™t know if you are a developer team or what?

Using 98k German riflemen on the beaches of Normandy doesnā€™t fit with the theme of the game or what?

As a player, I think the German riflemen using 98k on the Normandy beaches are very suitable.

And his American counterpart should be armed with a Garand rifle.

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Add BR 2.3 and 2.7 inbetween and make 2.3 more likely to see 2.0 Than 2.7 is.
Boom a more flexible system than BR2 and BR 3

Good. Okay very flexible

If only everything were like War Thunder. But maybe I donā€™t know what the difference is between the game Enlisted and War Thunder.

And the scenario described by the topic to be solved, which is to differentiate players by the number and combination of weapons.

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oh, indeed it does, been killed with it and killed so, so, so, so many times with it! i just love that rifle, its sights are amazing.

the new player that just started the game would feel very differently, though, and the answer from a new player with not an inch of monetary or time investment in the game is uninstall, leave a ā€œP2W game hahahaā€ bad review, laugh a little about the total imbalance, and go looking for greener pastures.

i mean, just because knives were used through all the campaign, doesnt mean everyone will be happily dancing in berlin to the PPSh and fedorov music band.

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only way you will get such loadout is if you deliberately choose to equip it. when you first get to fg42 you will have g43 already unlocked for hundreds of battles, so more fitting loadout would be 1 fg42 and 8 g43 which is more fair compared to 9 fg42.

extreme loadouts such as you are showing are mostly would be for abusing MM to bring high level weapon/vehicle into low BR match

It is the scenario provided by the subject.

You equip 1 fg42 and most players can deal with you, I donā€™t think there is a problem with that.

Even if you equip 1 fg42, your rating will be higher than that of a truly low-rating player. And your opponent may be equipped with 4 pps-43, he can definitely deal with you. . .

Whatā€™s really strange to me is that you think this is a problem, thatā€™s the scenario the topic provides!

Likewise, you can equip a DP with a machine gun, and his rating is lower. You donā€™t allow DP to appear in Moscow? I consider this a very basic piece of equipment.

You should be a player using pps-43 and I would love to see weapons marked as 42 in the battlefield. I donā€™t understand your position at all with this example.

Do you think itā€™s hard to deal with an FG-42 or something?

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i think it is really hard to deal with KT, stg44, fedorov when e.g. equipped with t3 vg.2 or similar ā€œmidā€ level rifle and tanks.

i can cycle that 1 OP gun through 9 soldiers, but enemy will always have same tier equipment.

Yes. Provided you pick it up. but by default he goes into the position of secondary weapon slot, which means you can only pick it up once.

Itā€™s honestly not common to repeatedly pick up weapons in the game. As an Engineer squad you can pick up a weapon repeatedly under certain circumstances.

But it could also fall into enemy hands. Iā€™m sure your opponent will be pleasantly surprised as well, and it even creates some gameplay fun for both parties.

In addition, I think you have fallen into a logical alley. If you think that such an example can be used as an absolute case to illustrate the scheme of topic description, this line of thinking is completely wrong. He seems to be arguing for the sake of debate.

Please be constructive, for example if you have a better idea

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you can easily game this by having engineer squad or AT squad or arty squad with unlocked dual weapons and it will go to primary slot and you can pick it multiple times.

the problem is not an FG42 in a kar squad, thats a very simple example and easy to counter.

problems arise when it so happen that you can take 1 mp43, 2 mp38s and 3 kars in one team, one ofenrohr, 2 g41s and 4 mannlichers in another, 3 FNABS and 3 k98 kriegs k98, etc etc, and the extremely complex calculations put you way below your weight.

which, knowing how internet works, 2 days after the system is implemented guides on most exploitative and OP combinations flow all over the place. and off we go to the drawing board again.

people will always tend to the least resistance path possible.

And you also have submachine guns and machine guns.

As a combination of different types, if you use all bolt-action rifle squads, it will be almost the same difficulty even if you face a machine gun squad and a submachine gun squad with the same BR. . .

Canā€™t you realize this?

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This is not a problem at all

Even with vanilla BR, these guides are already out there and will happens too.

And they are less variable.

The suggestion still gives players more space to make choices.

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indeed as long as there are 2 things that differ in any stat, there will be one better than the other in a given metric. the trick is not make it TOO MUCH better that it overshadows the other completely.

but i feel like im going off topic, ill leave it here if you dont mind.

This is a situation where even if you divide the weapons into 100 BR levels it wonā€™t help, players will always tend to look for the best solution and everything else becomes useless scrap.
The proposed points method will make it reasonable for all weapons to be used

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he insisted on fg42, but i am more afraid of KT and stg44 and similar weapons getting into low BR battles. one invulnerable tank can be a game changer at that level and even one stg44 gives you great advantage.

vastly inferior to anything that one AR can do. or one invulnerable tank.

max BR also allows player to make choices. getting higher tiered match cause of one gun sucks, but it will be less difference then putting max level vehicle/weapon in low/mid level match.

If you think 1 fg42 is difficult to deal with, then it will be difficult for us to reach a consensus. I think this is complete nonsense.

And put in vanilla BR the same thing will happen to innocent players.

To use or not to use. Use it to suffer, if you donā€™t use it, it is equivalent to non-existence. This is no choice.

Even boolean 0/1 is the choice.

true/false vs 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/...

Numeric based changes are still more flexible, you canā€™t understand or what?

Please any players who continue the discussion on this, please go back to the OP and read the topic and think themselves,

I am going to take a break to rest~

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dont get mad pl0x, this is not a personal attack or anything of the sort! complex systems are usually more fun than simple ones!!
its just the sheer terror of what we could see if they go with such complex systems. in this case, the simpler, the better, the harder to fk it upā€¦this game is dancing on the edge of non viable, or so it feelsā€¦one good solid fk up would send us all to TF2.

AR as in stg44 or fedorov. they are vastly superior to some low/mid level smg or BA rifle and more difficult to deal with.

exactly how? it will be 1fg42 with 8 g43 vs 9 fg42 which is vastly different.

it is pointless to have discussion with you when you dont recognize potential for abuse. ffs i equipped breda PG in my low level tunisia squad and difference it makes is enormous when used against enemy with BA.

Hahahahah wicked. them bots aint gonna kill themselves, gotta help as you can!

or maybe they indeed will kill themselves, who knows.