BR based on overall average raiting

Imagine having 6 squads (with premium and stuff and even more). You put assault rifle and top tier gear on three squads, and basic gear on the last three. You only play the first three squads because you don’t have to play the other ones with bolt actions rifle. BUT because you take “average BR” you end up using top tier gear in mid BR. Well played you broke the balance, what even the point ?

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You didn’t read the part about counting the scores of only the three squads with the highest scores.

You have read this far, why do you understand the topic one-sidedly?

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You are right I apologize for that.

Then, take three squad with the lowest possible amount of soldier, equip one assault rifle to the first guy and basic gear to everyone else. Every time you die you can just respawn with another squad and only play the first soldier all the while keeping your BR low enough to seal club people.

I know that this exemple is dumb but people WILL find a way to exploit this, you can take Air Arcade battle from war thunder as an exemple, where you can have one stupidly strong plane and three low grade ones, play only the good one and seal club as you want.


It is your choice to play with that handicap so you had a fair chance if you took it ( you cant tell me that the silver is stoping you from equiping your troops by that point of the game).
With average score MM that somehow would need to fill even more diffrent queues than current enlisted you wont get fair fights too as abuse of the same imperfections would be rampant and new players complain about getting killed by XYZ and not understanding nature of the MM at all.

Not everyone has a PHD to understand an overly complicated MM

Or do you want SB MM for a “fair” fight


To make it easier for you to understand this topic, you can set the calculation for 3 squads to 1 squad

In vanilla BR you combine 1 1x stg + 5 squads for 98k and you will be thrown into the highest level BR

And in this calculation, you may be thrown into a lower level room, but you only have 1 stg.

This is what this theme offers and it is the goal, not a drawback.

It allows players to engage in lower-level combat with fewer automatic weapons, such as a small number of automatic weapons paired with a large number of bolt-action rifles.

I believe the options will be more varied compared to vanilla BR battles, where you always only have a handful of the best options in each BR.

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1 stg is same as 9 stg when you can pick them up

Bro, you are just trying to slap the so-called abuse examples above.

If players cry because of this, then won’t they be able to use the fg42 they just got right away?

Or are they buying a high-level golden order weapon and then being thrown into the highest-level BR, which is very happy for novice players?

I can even imagine a new player posting that he bought an gold order mkb or ppd 1929 and was thrown into the battle for Berlin, and maybe he would say he felt very happy in vanilla BR???.

Then you naughty players said in your replies, bro, you have to wait for a year to grind to a high level before you can actually use this golden order weapon to participate in a fair battle.

If happens, I believe this will make the game very attractive.

Every example you provide might look like something else from a new player’s perspective.

In the same rating, the player’s familiarity with the game and the player’s playing level will be different. There is nothing in the game that real players cannot handle.

What’s really annoying is unlimited suicide planes or spam, and that’s not the topic here. Maybe in this case you’re in arcade mode where players use suicide planes to kill tigers, which is absolutely fair among players of all BR. even in vanilla one.

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Do you start with the FG unlocked now? Did they change that?

So get all premiums into low BR too? Because someone new might possibly buy those and not understand that a BR/ score might be attached to those too?

Noop, you get only 1 when you climb to fg42, not 100 of it

Yes, that’s what happens with BR. Gold Order Weapons and Premiums will of course have their BR.

PPD1929 was scheduled for the battles of Stalingrad and Berlin and I believe it would have been in a higher BR.

Bro I really want you to compare in your mind. Please calm down and think and compare

Instead of just focusing on some extreme examples.

Happens 100% even in vanilla BR.

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as much as i can appreciate the intellectual and mathematical approach you are taking, im afraid you are forgetting the 3 most important things.

1- do you think they can manage such complexities in a correct manner without messing it all up?

2-do you think people will not find even the smallest cracks to exploit the system, and by doing so, forcing up an endless extra flow of work for the dev team?

3-do you think any of the dev team want to put in any kind of extra work above the minimum viable product (MVP) approach?

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You think the BR based on the best weapon can quickly reach the ideal result without any adjustments.

If that happens, I think it’s amazing magic.

Sadly I don’t think vanilla BR can achieve what you think it does, it’s very difficult and I can’t offer any better ideas in this regard.

I think the approach based on adding up the total score is the simpler form.

The mechanism is simpler.

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I would literally have knifes only for infantry and a King Tiger in between.

I would basically be immortal.

You have to carry a rifle but that doesn’t matter, as far as I know a 50kg precision guided bomb can take you out.

Then your teammates log into pz3 and you can only use your 98k to fight, depending on your choice

You will have the same encounter even in high BR battles, where players are more skilled in using suicidal precision guided bombs, without any changes~

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nope, it cannot be concluded by any of the points i said i think that. that is what is called by definition a “strawman argumentation”: stating your opposing side in a conversation actually made an argument which said part did not, and attacking the newly created argument.

actually im not sure they can handle anything with the word “quickly” nor “ideal” in it.we go with the lesser of evils approach.

anyway, the amount of work to fix this complex system is leagues above fixing simple BR tiers. not that we will get any fixing for sure for anything, but at least you can hope.

I think this is simpler than BR, just set the score for each weapon and sum them up, simple thing~

But you claim to be complicated and I just can’t understand and recognize that.


But we don’t have to worry because this way of calculating is backwards and forwards compatible. It is still just a proposal.

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At this point SB MM would be simplest for enlisted. But nobody would want that.

SBMM’re just off topic.

Let’s go back to the 1xfg42+8x98k and 9xfg42 scenario.

Or a combination of weapons from both sides that fits the Kursk scenario

It is designed to allow players to use bolt-action rifles and machine guns in combination.

For example, the combination of mosin rifile and DP light machine gun is more suitable for the atmosphere.

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you do indeed surely understand that “BR3 too high for X, put it in BR2” is much simpler than “76 score is too high for X, but if we lower X value to 64 we have to lower Y and Z by 17 and raise W and T 12 and 15 points each to compensate”

knowing what we know about the thought process going behind the scenes, which one would you think they could take?

im not against the system per se, im against the kind of implementation of the system we would get.

the moment we suggest any system more complex than 2+2 or 2-1, we are in the path to suffering.

Just set the BR for each weapon and done…
Is it that much more complicated than adding each score for a weapon and adding up score and geting the average of the top 3 squads and only the top 3?
You even forgot the main part of your own proposed system in your description of it…

Obviously the method in the theme has more room for manipulation.

If a weapon is strong, slightly increase its score, and if a weapon is weak, slightly decrease its score, without affecting other weapons.

All adjustments can be made in subtle ways.

And in a stiff BR this is very difficult. I wonder if you think this is simple? You might have a decimal point, but that hardly makes a difference.

Basically, there is a lack of practice and consideration, and it may be more of just wishful thinking.

If you think it’s simple, wish it simple.

I think this discussion of basic cognition is beside the point.

He leaves the scenario described by the topic to be solved, which is to differentiate players by the number and combination of weapons.

There’s nothing vanilla BR can do about it.

If you guys think vanilla BR will simply work well, you should make another post discussing your thoughts on vanilla BR. At present, the community has not seen any information about how vanilla BR will work and its actual effect.

Basically the rating average system can operate on top of vanilla BR, or independently. It has no conflict between two mechanism.

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