Penalties for deserter don't need to be harsh

Enjoy your penalty then :ok_hand:t2:

enjoy dead game.

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so 21% of playerbase is coping hard? cause that is number of players that desert. what do you think they will do when penalties are introduced without fixing the game?

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I’d like to see evidence of that 21% you claim is accurate. Otherwise it’s just a bs statistic you made up. Hmm I don’t know what they’ll do :thinking: maybe they’ll actually not leave matches and play the game.

Most of your issues (besides skill issue) are in the roadmap including preferences and conquest reward changes. So you’ll have no excuses.

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btw you can check other stats here.

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7 month old stats :skull: come back with the current numbers.

those numbers were consistent throughout the year, with post merge seeing increase in desertion.

will probably do new stats within month.

And I thought game is supposed to played for fun.

And that would be the same if people get punished because DF cant make a proper mm selection system or fix their maps and modes?

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Really amazing that some people forget that you play video games to have fun, not to do chores and suffer (get a job) or roleplay as soldier because even the Army recruiters in the mall dont want to ask you to spare a second.

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Yes but people leaving matches are detracting other players fun. Why should I suffer if you can’t just bite the bullet and play 10 minutes on a map you don’t like? I have favourite maps too, yet I can manage to still have fun on my least favourite map.

No one will miss you.

Which is why I’d prefer BR was based on when the weapon was implemented into combat. I myself try to run the squads that actually fought alongside each other (another reason I want legacy squads) because currently I have assembled a bunch of divisions from Panzer Gruppen 2 in 1941.

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People who leave matches before it starts usually get replaced. If map or mode is so unpopular that people leave in masses and in total more leave pre-match than get replaced, I would rather ask why these specific modes are so unpopular and fix them but I know long-term thinking is gay so whatever.
People who leave mid or early matches are usually based on the team being awful or stacks. And why should they carry the team if they do not bother to place rallies or at least be close to the CP but snipe all the time or FLAG03ing planes/ tickets into the ground? This sucks, especially as attackers, because bad attackers take forever to be killed, and usually, you don’t even earn much even before you include the winning bonus you will definitely not get.
So no fun and no earning.

I don’t know. Is anyone holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to play? I don’t think so.



You can always bring your own stats.

So does snipers, mortars, console players, stacks, kamikaze abusers and generally people that struggles to get even find theyr way to cap point while maintaining negative kd.

Sure, once we get rid of even these above mentioned issues im all in for csgo style matchmake that punishes for leaving.

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Yes, I will uninstall this electronic garbage immediately

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Cool, and no one cares :ok_hand:t2:

Because those ppl, are bitter.

It matters more for them to get “vengeance” on others because they are too emotionally involved in the game (to them it’s no longer a game).

Note. All those who are very pro penalties, are quite aggressive towards those who are passive or against it. And they don’t care about finding real solutions to the desertion CAUSES either…

Anyway. Like in anything, just solving the symptom, won’t fix things up.

This however, is funny, so I support it. It won’t make the player’s gaming experience worse, but it WILL be a deterrent. Eheh, a bit like in old WOT. Team killers were highlighted. And became free game for everyone.


I don’t care about you crying like a baby on the internet begging for punishment for anyone you don’t understand
If this game doesn’t want players to be deserters, then it should do better, because there are many players who don’t want to play the garbage modes they “create”, instead of forcing players to play them
Confrontation, assault, blasting, conquest

I won’t play this shit

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If there were incentives to stay (more incentive then just lubricant to make the shower rape less painful), then I more then likely would stay and endure the agony. However if it is an obvious waste of time butt kicking, penalty or not their is NO REASON for people to stay.

So, if we’re hell bent on punishment, then you can expect nothing to change.