Penalties for deserter don't need to be harsh

You earn nothing
You gain nothing
You will own nothing and you will learn your dang lesson and think twice before abandoning your teammates


This is an interesting idea … but if you leave again … does that make it 3 matches, the next 4, etc etc?


This game has a lot of unbalanced modes and maps that I hate. For example, the assault mode attack. So no matter how they punish, I will still quit. For me, a bad game will affect my mood. If the punishment is really severe, I will just uninstall the game.


Acceptable penalties:

  1. Can’t use the faction for the match time.

  2. Can’t use the squad in the formation for the match duration.

  3. Whatever penalties that will make me wait to play again.

Fixed it for you. Don’t like it? Don’t leave the game then :fu:t2:


Enjoy your pve then


Terrible, a lot of people will just drop Enlisted completely

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No one is going to quit enlisted because of a 10 minute ban. Cry harder.

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I don’t really mind deserter when it conquest because the game mode is not time sufficient to get exp compare to others mods

i will certainly quit if they introduce desertion penalties without fixing underlying reasons on why desertions happen in the first place.


Why is punishment for a FREE video game the ONLY option people want to consider? :thinking: Does ANYONE really think people will stay because they don’t want to be punished? If so, I have some Ocean beach front property in Arizona I want to sell. :roll_eyes: I live in the Philippines and we lose power once or twice a week, and my internet sucks at least once a month or so. So, should I be punished because I have a blackout during game play? That has actually happened about 3 times this past year.

Why not give people an INCENTIVE to stay instead of trying to think about ways to punish them for leaving? I can honestly say, punishment for a video game would not deter me in the slightest if I wanted to quit a game and I highly doubt it will deter anyone else.


Good way to kill the game

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Personally, I’d just implement something similar to Warthunder.

Say you quit a game playing as Germany. Now the German faction is locked behind a 5 minute timer. You are welcome to play as another, so long as you don’t desert with that one too, however to play as German ly you have to wait out the timer.

This solves a few problems:

  1. It discourages people from quitting games, but is gentle enough that people with kids, work or otherwise busy lives aren’t punished too sever if they need to leave the game because of it.

  2. It encourages people to play different factions. You don’t want to finish a game with this faction? Okay, play another faction and you can come back to this one in five minutes.

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some optic Punishment wouldnt hurt anyone but shows everyone, he is a deserter…
The Account Name should be in another Color for… lets say 3 matches?
I suggest a shiny color like Pink or give him a special Looser sign as Nickname Decoration…


Most players may quit a match because they’re losing, getting killed, etc. I would never quit a match because of that. That’s absurd. Even if we’re losing I fight to the bitter end, I don’t care if I’m getting curb stomping left and right, whatever

I am a more special case. As someone who likes a little immersion the only time I quit is if my loadout doesn’t match the historical period of the battle. If I’m BR 4 and I have a Panther and the match is 1942 Stalingrad I leave. If I have some 1945 prototype and the match is 1944 Normandy I leave. I don’t care if my teammates are all over the place, all I care is that I have at least a little personal immersion. All I care about is it makes sense chronologically. That’s just me

Could argue that somewhat quick, casual & hassle free matchmake is the only working part of the game.

Good, you won’t be missed then. Not liking a map isn’t a good enough reason to desert.

it certainly is. some maps are just shit and not enjoyable.

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Enjoy your penalty then :ok_hand:t2:

enjoy dead game.

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so 21% of playerbase is coping hard? cause that is number of players that desert. what do you think they will do when penalties are introduced without fixing the game?

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