Penalties for deserter don't need to be harsh

65% of matches are invasion.

i would rather not get conquest in first place. just imagine this million dollar idea.

cause conquest=shit xp. not to mention lot of them are walking simulators where you see much less action than on typical invasion or even confrontation. there are only couple of good conquest maps that force direct confrontation(e.g. moscow manor).

also losing means automatically 33% less xp than if you were in a game where you could win. they need to make that 50% win bonus universal so people actually want to stay in losing battle. but even that wouldnt stop people leaving when they encounter roflstomps, cause people just dont like not being able to do anything.

considering how merge went, i dont trust anything from them until i see it implemented correctly.

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Sure… just ignore you past comments.

And other and more people don’t.

Or they could have went into a better invasion match and earn more than they would have in a bad conquest game.

Why staying in shitty matches, especially since you will make less points and not gain victory bonus, but rather go with a match where you could win or at least gain enough points and/ or the victory bonus or in a non-train mode?
Simple math.

  • We do not know how it works or how much the rewards will be. Their number fixes so far were a big joke.
  • SoonTM
  • Speaking of SoonTM, it will definitely not come in the near future since it was in “planning” or sth. like that.
  • It still does not address stack and population swap issues and if it only includes maps and not also modes.

matches like this is a good example of why leaving shouldn’t be punished for those who can’t see it’s a 6 man clan stack


Until I see if they truly try to fix current issues, other than with a “soon™”, I will remain wary.

As for the excuses for desertion… they are so numerous and many, ppl often listed them better than I did.

I posted a real suggestion once, that went BEYOND the usual debate of bitter ppl wanting others punished jut because they want them punished, and those that just don’t care enough… but instead of actually paying attention the same debate started again.

In a simple mechanic analogy. Those who merely ask for punishment because they’re unable to fathom others might see the game as casual:

Your car tire is leaking air, becoming flat. You guys just try to fill it with air. It’s still leaking.

Those trying to attack the root cause of desertion, or here the leak, see it’s caused by the rust on the rim and say “maybe we should buff it a lil before inflating the tire anew”.

See I’d have no problem with measures against this problem, if they were thought of, in a rational way (or are funny like pink names suggested by @AchtColaAchtBier , the literal donkey hat of classrooms of old). But to punish JUST so that bitter ppl feel better about themselves?

I’ll pass.


Yeah can’t be bothered breaking down and replying to that. You call it being bitter, I call it making it enjoyable for the players who actually want to stay in their matches and play the game. But clearly both sides lose if the other side gets what they want.


We all want the same thing: fair matches for everyone.

I just want things fixed before applying something that won’t help in the long run, if things remain in their current state.

Again, even if you guys dislike the half (or whatever %) that desert… They’re still many. Pissing off a good chunk of the playerbase, is never a good idea, even if desertion IS INDEED a plague.


I disagree, 65% of my games aren’t invasion.

I’d rather not get conquest either, yet I still play it and win majority of the time in under 10 minutes. My conquests games are also intense and competitive 90% of the time. It’s free exp. It’s part of the game so get used to it.

You and I have different opinions on the merge, I think it was fine and beneficial to the game. DF haven’t done anything wrong in my books so why wouldn’t I trust them?

How is half your team deserting on conquest fair to the players that stay?? Current state of enlisted is fine. Yes it could have some more choices in maps you want to play but no one will ever be 100% able to get the map they want. People are still going to leave games no matter how much silver you give them. Which makes it unfair to players who want to actually play. It’s a classic case of if you don’t want the punishment, don’t do the crime. Simple math.

If I had play same conquest map 4th time in a row that would end too fast and experience gained from it would be minimal… I would just honestly leave the match. Being punished for that isn’t really helping the issue.

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WHY would as many desert in the first place?

Fix the “why” first. it’s usually more than just the game mode.


Also keep in mind that it is apparently planned that desertion will be added to stat trackers


When I said half, that was an example. It’s not always half the players in a match. Just the bad apples.

All well and good that they add it to stats but it’s kind of pointless when only you can see your own stats. Not gonna stop people anyway.

Yeah, but it will impact those that leave for win rate reasons.

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Darkflow, for the funnies add this

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these are from global stats. individual experience may vary depending on faction/BR/RNG.

merge was needed i agree, but they f*cked up on how they did it. for 10 months of work it was half assed job. this is the reason why i dont believe in DF anymore.

actually statistically conquest is most popular game mode with least desertion overall (with mostly normandy/berlin maps being outlier with higher desertion stat).

we dont need map we want. we need just not get map we dont want.

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Great idea, something like this perhaps?



Star Trek I


Nothing bitter there at all :man_shrugging:t2: but take it how you want.

Notice how I didn’t reply to you the previous 2 times you’ve replied to me? :thinking: probably because you’re arguments aren’t relevant because you have nothing to contribute to the conversation. But keep trying to be included in the grown ups conversation champ.

Middle finger is clearly normal.

Yes and now you apparently preferred to reply to your compilation of bitterness and toxicity because that is apparently easier than saying anything constructive to the non-compilation.

Yeah, I should also use the middle finger emoji and emojis like those grown-ups who have fewer likes than the children because their points make more sense.

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