Add a desertion stat tracker

We find some in the leaderboards of the top event players. They can implement a desertion stat.


Heya, something like that is planned.


This works. Probably better than a penalty. With this addition, maybe make the stats public? Though it might lead to more delusional takes because “muh scores”.


Agree on this on the grounds of ragequitters and early quitters who leave after one failed push or objective lost.

Some do quit certain gamemodes on principle though, so if the option was given to at least blacklist modes, since I guess allowing players to choose modes to queue for is out of the question due to wait times?


have a slaughter timer to make it easier and make it so it doesn’t count against a booster…

basically if I’m finding myself being farmed I’ve got every incentive to just quit and find a different game.

It’'s no fun having one sided games;


If you want to impose any punishment (such as an experience warning from the folder)
Please first distinguish normal players from monkeys and parasites
Don’t let a group of players who are worse than the official after-sales guarantee ruin the gaming experience of normal players

No one wants to hang out with a bunch of bad monkeys just to avoid being punished
(either 5 minutes or 25 minutes)

How do you do that?

Is it people who drive APC’s straight into HMG nests and crash their own planes?

Is it people who spam impact grenades (before nerf) and simply spam meta?

Is it simply… new players?

I support any high-efficiency strike against the enemy
This helps in winning
This is why everyone always needs better weapons

Instead of trying to take heroes or experts to military courts based on ridiculous war ethics

Commonly defined as (including but not limited to)
Players whose scores, attack efficiency, and fighting desire are too low (may not be applicable to the defender)

as we all know
Most of the time it is the top 4 players who decide the outcome.
Most of the time they have excellent results in various indicators
The other 6?
Most of the time their returns are well below average
There’s not even a building spawn point
The only thing they can do is continue to die
Then wait for the top 4 to help them open the way and occupy the stronghold.
or worse (including but not limited to)
Hiding behind and unwilling to come out
Carrying out espionage behaviors on vehicles (low hits, ignoring high-risk targets, engaging in the above behaviors but occupying them for a long time, etc.)

In some ways, maybe parking the transport truck too far back counts?
Excessive survival causes unnecessary resource occupation
After capturing a stronghold, you must capture 1 or 2 more before you can continue to release transport vehicles.

Again, I ask, are you looking to flag new players as new? New to a certain BR? Or… adorn each player with a score so that others can decide whether or not they will play with them?

It seems toxic to me.

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