The stinger gave me a reason to once again write a list of suggestions that will imo make MGs better/more interesting/more like irl/less like assault rifles, and will “ruin enlisted” in the meantime.
So let’s go!
Make maps more MG-friendly
While maps are not directly conected with MGs, their design process needs to change a bit. Often times I’m in a situation where I’m in a great shooting position but because of some props (like chairs, dressers) or rubble, I can’t mount my MG or it’s firing arc makes it unusable.
While making cover/shooting positions, map designers must take into account that some players will want to mount their guns there. Of course not every place needs to be MG-friendly but this is very important thing to keep in mind.
Overall it’s good now. But I’d like to see a key bind added: mount (hold). So players can chose between current version where they need to press a button to mount, or a version where they need to hold the button to be mounted.
Also maybe make the gun automatically mounted when soldier is prone.
All infantry MGs should be split to two categories:
automatic rifles / LMGs (like BAR, chauchat etc.) with small magazines and relatively light - no changes to the current way of aiming
medium machine guns (like DP27 or MG34) mostly belt fed and quite heavy - here I propose to coppy mechanics from games like BFV, RO2 or HLL. Highlights:
You can’t hipfire with MMGs or it’s super uncontrolable.
When you press aim, your soldier will brace the gun and allow you to hipfire resonably well. But you will move much solwer.
To use sights, you need to either mount the gun or be prone on the ground.
From my experience I can tell such mechanic makes MGs feel heavier (and thus more powerfull), while still being good enough while hipfiring to put up a fight.
Different lengths of amunition belts
Personally I think having MG34 with 50 rounds, MG34 with 75 rounds and another MG34 with 100 or 200 rounds is simply boring. →
So instead of adding almost the same gun, I propose to expand already existing mechanic:
Just like rifles with grenade launchers, MMGs would be able to swap ammunition type from short belt to a long belt during the fight. In exchange for more ammunition, player’s responsiveneess/mobility will be greatly reduced as it’s meant to be used when mounted.
Personally I’d completely remove the ability to hipfire with long belt but it’s probably too harsh. So maybe just a penalty to movement speed or recoil control (when not mounted). Link to the original idea.
Now a bit more controversial stuff that I’ll post separately:
Suppression vs AI
While many ppl are against players being suppressed, I think AI being suppressed is a much needed mechanic.
Under heavy fire, AI shouldn’t try to fight back but instead should try to find cover. It’s good for both players as:
player 1 will know which enemy soldier is the player (so the actual threat)
player 2 won’t stupidly loose his AI
While current implementation of overheating is very… dubious, imo adding it in some trimmed down form to infantry MGs would be nice. First of all, it would be a balancing tool to prevent MGs with a lot of ammo from simply holding the trigger. Second of all barrel change animations look really cool.
So I’d implement it but very weak at first and then make it gradually stronger with game updates if needed.
automatic mounting isnt good unless it gives you complete aiming freedom, otherwise the game will constantly force mount you and your angles get fucked up. thats the reason i stopped using mounting in many situations.
many of these proposals would decrease the overall power by MGs due to making them harder and less reliable to use. the reason MGs are so comfy to use in enlisted is that they are counterbalanced by artificially low damage. any proposal like yours automatically needs to come with damage increase to bolt action levels to make sense, otherwise its just unnecessary nerfing.
only thing i would instantly take is the 100 round belts for BR5 MGs, same thing goes for all the AA weapons on high BRs.
I don’t know if such increase of damage isn’t too much though. I’d rather increase accuracy and maybe decrease recoil (though it’s already minimal so I don’t know).
Also I wouldn’t really call it a nerf, more like a tradeoff. You loose a lot of mobility but gain firepower.
I am also of the opinion that some, and in fact most of the light and universal machine guns from World War 2, due to their design and weight, made aiming with mechanical sights impossible.
reduce dispersion to almost 0, increase damage by 40-50%
overheating isnt really necessary, since a) less fun and b) not even realistic, since in cold areas/lying in snow/water it would overheat slower and in hotter areas it would overheat faster. having the same overheating everywhere just gives us unrealistic and annoying overheating on most maps, so either the game takes that into account (too much work for DF) or we save ourselves the hassle.
most MGs already are quite realistic in use, as the aim speed is slow, the recoil quite high and mounting them on the ground makes them much better
~0 dispersion is again overkill. Yes those guns are meant to be strong but not OP.
And imo damage of all guns is fine on the most part. Vitality perk is the problem.
If it’s overdone then yes. That’s why I suggested to start slow.
Imo barrel change animations are cool so I want it.
Imo it’s not necesarry. It’s a game so some simplifications are needed.
Otherwise we should add a mechanic where stamina depletes faster depending on weather conditions. Or increased sway on winter maps. I guess it’s a discussion of how much realism is too much.
Idk lately the AI pathfinding has been somewhat intresting to say.
Aka spawn in place X proceed to move towards objective A only to figure out your bots decided to take some other path or none at all and are miles away from your position.
Id guess this forced prone / cover would just enhance this issue.
Dont get me wrong, im all in for any improvements towards AI. But as said currently these path finding issues and what else have been rather frequent thus Id feel like in current state such mechanic would only harm the gameplay aka bots decide to hide when they definitely should just cross the road or something.
It really is hard for me to find good spots to put down a lane of fire where I can kill as many people as possible. May just be a me thing, but there don’t seem to be a whole lot of areas, especially ON objective, with good lines of sight for mowing down the advancing enemy
Weird. You’d think there would be an option for that in the keybinds just like every other keybind
This genuinely would spice up the gameplay and give legitimate reasons for using some MG’s over others other than “the BR is a bigger roman numeral so is better.” I’m all for this kind of idea
All in all some solid suggestions that’d definitely make them much more interesting, engaging, give different options for different play styles, add a bit of realism back to Enlisted, and add a bit of extra challenge which is always fun
I agree with every point, but what else is new for VoyoMayPL lol. Infantry LMGs’ main issue is with the “percieved weight” of the weapon and the performance metrics that extend out from that. Making them feel heavier and less mobile would do wonders.
I don’t see how a “hold” option on mounting would be beneficial but if you want it why not?
Call of Duty 1 United Offensive actually did that and it worked great.
wanna use your MG34? lay down and you got the bipod deployed automatically.
That being said, you couldn’t aim, hipefire or shoot in general in the original COD at all unless laying down with MGs.
… maybe now that I am thinking about it, forget Cod1 , BF1 probably had the best bipod mechanics - auto bonus and bipod deployment as soon as you lay down.
I have in mind something similar to auto bipoding. It’s not the same thing but I tested it a bit (I binded mount to RMB, good enough for tests but has many issues in current form) and it’s good enough.
Its not just you. And I think its on purpose. They probably dont want to give defenders ready made MMG emplacements, they probably want you to build them.
Sounds like a plan
Side note, thinking about how bad dispersion is on some guns makes me think about that general who shot an AR-15 for an anti gun news article. Lol. I’ll see if I can find it