Why the M2 stinger has no downsides comparing to the entire MG Family for germany?

Its free to get, it has 200 ammo magazine which shouldn’t exist and has very low recoil compare to the MGs as a whole. With 4 points into vertical recoil reduction, it turns into a literal laser gun that i can spray and get up towards 30 kills while standing in the open field. I tried it out in an custom game and massacred bots defending an objective.


Tbh MG class needs an overhaul


i’m not seeing that happening anytime soon.


Soon or even at all.


isnt that what you said about the bipod? or am i misremembering?

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I think the stinger is fine, its a event weapon and relatively hard to obtain compared to another current event where such OP squad as radio operator for germans hardly requires anything.
No sarcasm

Tbh got to agree with this

@VoyoMayPL suggestion about lmg’s getting belts while stationary was arguably best thing they could have done to lmg’s.

And instead of that, stinger :clown_face:


The stinger is not fine, its a broken weapon. So broken that a freshly new recruit with no points in any skills and kill multiple squads of bots before getting downed if he can get his hands on it by drop or looting it off someone.
Also it is not that hard to obtain, i only play for 2 hours/day and i can still get that gun. I am also a very new player currently playing at BR 1-2.


With bipods I was sarcastic. The mechanic was already in game so it was a matter of time untill they make it at least semi-decent. Alternative was to remove it but that would be very weird for a released game.

This time it’s a “completely new” (not really) mechanic so they can simply not implement it ever.
I guess the closest situation to this would be the new tank repair. It was a massive change to the already existing system. Though it’s still not even close as game changing as half of what I suggested.

But tbh I’d preffer them not doing this at all rather than implementing it super poorly and claiming they listen to the community.




It’s not a bad idea, but yeah I doubt they’ll add it

Non of them uses sights so I don’t get your point?

giving more stand poses for help in your concept, friend :<

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Ah, ok. I didn’t understand. Sorry

Leave DP-27 and DPM alone since its not mmg but lmg with a pan mag. Yeah consider DT machinegun as a mmg

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Imo 30 round magazine is a good dividing point. DP has 47 rounds so it’s way above this line and imo it’s too heavy and unwealdy to be labeled as LMG in game.


Back in Beta Moscow I wanted to grind for DP 27 squads and see how they compare with MG34.

I always felt like the argument that “Germany had better MGs, while Soviets get better SMGs” not to be ture.

Well nowadays MGs perform completely different, but outside of some assault rifle like lmgs and the super late BR5 MGs, for me they kinda all perform very similarly.

On a bipod, ammo matters more than anything else.


It has quite significant downside, it’s limited to only 2 pieces.

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When stalingrad came out, I had a chance to pick up DP quite often and imo back then it was actually superior to MG34. Though I guess things have changed since then.

So yes, german “superior MGs” is just a coping mechanism / a lie to silence wehraboos. They may be marginally better but nothing special.


They would need to first fix bipod placement around windows, ground. Right now it’s awful half of the time and your soldier also leaves his position when you turn too much.

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DP-27 - 37/15 Recoil, 0.38 Dispersion, 610 rof, 815 velocity, visual recoil 0.4
MG-34 - 14/17 Recoil, 0.40 Dispersion, 980 rof, 750 velocity, visual recoil 0.6

MG-34 has less of a recoil but since it shoots faster and has worse dispersion + visual recoil can appear as less accurate, especially at ranges since it has worse velocity. At close range MG34 will win but at mid range DP-27 is a bit better.

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